It’s okay to use an electric smoker in a thunderstorm, right? (Either way, it’s happening. This pulled pork takes about 10 hours and I’d rather not eat at midnight.)

Now’s as good a time as any to out myself: I’m a proud Traeger owner.

This wasn’t intentional. I was making do just fine with my Weber Smokey Mountain charcoal/wood smoker. Granted, I didn’t use it all that often, just because it was so labor-intensive. Smoking required constant adjustment of the dampers to maintain the proper temperature. Adding additional charcoal and wood chips to keep the flames going, and water to the pan. I had to plan my entire day around it, because I had to check on it every 20-30 minutes.

A few weeks ago, we were walking through Home Depot and passed a Traeger display. All smokers were 25% off, which in this case meant a $200 savings. “We should buy one,” Tara said, much to my surprise. I’d longed for a pellet smoker from the start and had a bunch of money saved up for something fun from my freelancing work earlier this year, so it didn’t take much to twist my arm. I even paid for professional assembly, ’cause let’s face it, me putting things together often results in disaster.

I was hooked from the first cook. I have the Traeger Pro 575 and, I gotta say, it’s a game-changer. WiFIRE® technology lets me control everything from an app on my phone, and there’s a vast library of recipes that I can send directly to my grill. All I have to do is press the handy MAKE IT NOW button and the app guides me through every step of the process. It’s basically foolproof and frees me up to do other things. It’s so easy it almost feels like cheating, but you know what? I’ve earned a life of leisure. I’m okay with letting the grill and app do all the work, ’cause the baby back ribs I made last weekend were amazeballs. And I have no doubt today’s pulled pork will be equally delicious.

Smoking is a time-consuming process, so I needed to get that pork butt on the grill early this morning. I was ready to go at 8 a.m., but ol’ Mother Nature decided it would be fun to serenade us with a round of thunderstorms. The Traeger is electric, which means I plug it into one of the pond outlets. Which is a little scary in a thunderstorm, but what choice did I have? I got a little wet, but the pork went on the smoker at 8:30 and should be finished after 10 hours. All I have to do is wrap it in foil when the probe registers an internal temperature of 160º and let it continue to smoke for a few hours. My phone will audibly alert me when it’s time. Easy peasy!

One of the few complaints about pellet smokers is they don’t produce as much smoke as wood chips, but I bought a smoke tube to fix the problem. Fill it with pellets, light it on fire with a propane torch (this made me feel especially manly, just sayin’), and then set it inside the grill and you’ve got yourself extra smoke.

What a wonderful time it is to be alive, folks.

Shockingly, I placed an ad for my old smoker on Facebook Marketplace, and sold it within an hour. Easiest transaction ever; the guy looked it over, handed me a $100 bill, and was on his way. Selling things on FB Marketplace is usually a pain in the ass, so this was definitely not the norm.

By the way, the rain ended, and now we’re expecting several days of hot and humid weather. 90º+ through Tuesday, so in case there was any doubt, summer is in full swing here in the upper Midwest.

Now that we’re (mostly) finished setting up the garden, we’ve got a little more free time on the weekends. Hallelujah! So yesterday, we went into Madison. Our plan was to hit Olbrich Botanical Garden first, but when we pulled into the parking lot at 1:58 p.m., we were greeted by a sign announcing they were closing for a private event at 2:00. Doh! We took this as a sign to drive a few blocks to a nearby Mexican restaurant for a couple of apps. When life hands you lemons, make margaritas!

Next up was the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art. The price was right (free) and the exhibits were interesting. We’re always down for some culture.

Afterward, we rode the elevator to the top of the Graduate Hotel for a cocktail at one of our favorite bars, Camp Trippalindee (gold star for the first reader to get the reference). Camp Trippalindee is whimsical and fun, with a 1970s summer camp theme. I didn’t get the juice pouch cocktail this time, but my Honey Bee Water with strawberry-infused vodka, honey, lime, and club soda was awfully tasty. And it came with a pink twisty straw, surely the envy of the other beer-drinking bros at the barl

Not quite cultured out, we wandered over to Memorial Union Terrace next to check out the Madison Jazz Festival. It’s just such a great setting and fun vibe.

We only stayed for a few songs, but it was a nice way to reenergize for our trek back to Capital Square for our final destination: Great Dane Pub & Brewing. This has become my favorite restaurant/bar in Madison. I’m a rewards member, so every dollar I spend there earns me a point. We were able to cash in $29.30, which reduced our bill to a mere $67. Not bad at all!

My Picker’s Paradise cocktail (Ketel One Botanical, Peach & Orange Blossom, grapefruit juice, peach nectar) was so good though, I cut myself off at one and switched to a brandy Old Fashioned because otherwise, I would have slurped those down too quickly.

(Look at me mixing it up though, Rivergirl.)

And try as I might, I can never not order the Korean rice bowl. Every bite is a delicious and harmonious blend of contrasting flavors and textures; the grilled flank steak, pickled cucumbers, shiitake mushrooms, shredded carrots, bok choy, and fried egg all play off each other wonderfully, tied together by a tangy and subtly spicy Korean bbq sauce.

So help me, if they ever take that off the menu, I’ll storm the castle.

42 responses to “Smoking in the rain.”

  1. That’s one way to have a Smoking Hot Father’s Day!

    Glad you’re getting some time off for good (?) behavior.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good behavior is overrated, but I’m not complaining!


  2. Kudos! That’s a varied cocktail list, you’ve done me proud.
    Can’t say I’m a huge fan of smoky flavor so my enthusiasm for your new toy is pretty low. But it definitely sounds beyond fool proof so I’m sure you’ll have lots of great meals with little effort. If you’re not electrocuted that is..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m more into smoke than Tara is (at least this kind of smoke), but the slow and low cooking method does result in very tender fall-off-the-bone meat. Which IMHO is the best kind.

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  3. Oh my goodness, now I am ravenous!!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t wait to dig in myself. One more hour!

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  4. One of my past dental employers was a Texan and a competition BBQ-er. He had a tow behind pit made to his specs from some famous guy in Texas. Our office staff was treated to a few competitions in Vegas. He drove the pit in and we all flew on his dime. It was always held at the Mandela Bay back lot- sadly the one that was the site of that horrific shooting a few years back. He did turn out some good BBQ but never won anything major during the time I worked for him. Maybe that was payback for his sexist/misogynistic tendencies.

    Also I must say I love me a good crispy fried egg. That one topping your bowl looks tasty 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a great boss to work for! Well, other than the sexist/misogynistic stuff. Those competition barbecue masters take their craft very seriously. I’ll never get to that point; I’m content with backyard smoking for the two of us (with tons of leftovers).

      The fried egg was absolutely my favorite part of the bowl.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You’ve posted YET AGAIN?! Come on, man!!

    First of all, Chris Traeger is all I can think of now. He would say, “That grill is… amazing. It is literally the most amazing grill I have ever seen. I’ll go get my portobello mushrooms and be right back.” Goes for a quick 5K run to retrieve them. (We’re re-watching P & R yet again. Can you tell?)

    Love the straw, food looks great, I so very much want that fruity drink.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yet again? It’s been five days. That’s a lifetime in the blogosphere! Keep up, man!

      My “amazeballs” was kind of a Parks & Recreation Easter egg, if you will, because I too always think of Chris when I fire up the Traeger.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha. You got me there. But because I’m behind, I thought I’d only just read your previous post, whenever you posted it.

        Just watched the “awesome sauce” episode. 🙂

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  6. the smoker is like a new car, with all the bells and whistles. I can see why you fell in love with it. one of my sons-in-law used to do competitive grilling and I was his roadie at times, lots of prep and planning, and perfect tools, meat and grills/smokers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great analogy, and like new cars, the latest grills and smokers have some pretty high-tech features. Too bad this one isn’t self-driving; it’s pretty heavy to lug into position. Maybe the next generation of Traeger smokers will add that feature.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. matter of time…

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  7. Weird there’s no rain here at all…

    Looks delish! I kinda want a smoker now…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think you guys had some wild weather recently and it stayed sunny here. Weather is fickle; even a few miles makes a huge difference!

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  8. I never knew such a smoker existed, but I will not be clueing in the spouse because our garage can’t handle one more piece of equipment.

    Nice pivot to the art museum. I want to like craft cocktails, but the sugar count freaks me out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do try to stick to lower-sugar options as much as possible. I used to be really into Bee’s Knees cocktails but the simple syrup really boosted the sugar count. The Honey Bee substituted honey (as you might have guessed) which helped cut that down. It was definitely more tart than sweet!


  9. Congrats on your Traeger! I had no idea that they had become so high tech… if I were you, though, I think I’d add an outlet closer to the smoker and protected from the rain. Even manly men who drink out of pink straws need to protect themselves from being electrocuted.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The pink straw was the yin to my propane torch yang!


  10. Okay – no one has commented on the Camp TrippaLindee. Interesting. I have no idea but it reminds me of Linda Tripp from the Lewinsky scandal.

    I hope your pulled pork was divine. The whole setup looks delicious and delightful.

    And what a great title!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing at all to do with Linda Tripp thankfully! 🙂

      The pulled pork turned out excellent…and we have enough leftovers for three or four more dinners at least. That’s the problem with smoking a 6 lb. pork butt when it’s just the two of us, but that was the smallest we could find.

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  11. Smoking in the rain ? This is a breeze. I achieved mastery of smoking cigarettes in the shower which, believe me, is an accomplishment worthy of knighthood.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Must have been a challenge dodging each droplet of water to ensure your cigarette stayed lit!

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  12. Look at you, smoking in the rain! 😉 Nice that you can set your stuff up in the smoker and go on with your life; what a luxury!

    I totally get the reference; Coach and I were just talking about Rodney Dangerfield a few weeks ago. That was the funniest movie!

    The rice dish does sound great and I’d be reordering that one each visit too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Congratulations; you have earned a gold star! ⭐

      “Back to School” was filmed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (though they gave the college a fictional name in the movie), so it’s extra fitting given the setting.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. In Lieu of the Gold star, I will take a trip Lindy trophy, please! 😀😀

        Liked by 1 person

  13. This made me smile…”hooked from the first cook”, LOL. Given the weather forecast for many of us for this week, good that you did ‘done did’ all that cooking and smoking…so you can keep cool this week! 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s brutal out there. And we actually spent a few hours doing yard work in the afternoon. Is it fall yet?!?!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. gah….no! hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! 😜

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      2. Gatorade is my best friend these days.

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  14. Andy likes his labor intensive smoker, but now that we have solar and he loves controlling things from his phone, I’ll have to mention your electric one. Too bad I missed the Father’s Day window this year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There was a certain pride and sense of accomplishment in smoking things the manual way. Not enough to warrant returning the Traeger, mind you…

      There’s always Christmas!

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  15. Yep, that’s cheating. On the other hand, maintenance every 20-30 minutes for 10 hours sounds like a pain. I have a kamado style grill that really only needs attention every couple hours once it’s dialed in, and I’ve never had to add charcoal mid cook. So I’ll stick my nose up at pelletized cheating for the time being. 😉

    The important thing is what ends up on the plate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t even mention what a PITA cleaning out the Weber was. Don’t tell the neighbors, but I used to dump the pan of greasy, meaty water into the woods behind our property. If cheating means no longer having to do that, then I’m happy to be a cheater!

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  16. I knew I had heard Trippalindee before but couldn’t recall where…other than I knew it had something to do with a “Triple Lindy”…and after Googling it I successfully had gone “Back To School.” Place looks very cool.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep, you got it! And “Back to School” was filmed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, so it’s a nice homage to the movie.

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  17. A house I bought many moons ago had a small pond with a fountain feature which apparently was run off a standard extension cable which they buried a couple of inches underground to run it across the lawn….

    Fortunately, we discovered it before my ex attempted to mow the lawn, for he would surely have managed to electrocute himself.

    PS: that Picker’s Paradise cocktail sounds bloody lovely – I am most envious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yikes! I know this is why you’re supposed to call before you dig, but I wouldn’t think to do that in my own backyard. Glad he didn’t get zapped!


  18. Your new toy looks swanky and I gotta say selling the old toy as painlessly as you did confirms that you’re blessed. The Picker’s Paradise cocktail looks and sounds delicious, but I am nodding my head in agreement about having only one of those. An Old Fashioned is more my jam, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The Picker’s Paradise also cost $13, so not only would I have gotten myself inebriated very quickly, but I’d have drained my bank account in the process!

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