My parents’ visit ended with a bang. Literally. Driving to the airport early Wednesday morning, a line of thunderstorms producing torrential rainfall nearly washed them off the highway. The previous evening, after they’d gone to bed, weather alerts kept popping up on my phone. First a Tornado Watch, followed by a Severe Thunderstorm Warning. At one point we were afraid we’d have to roust them from their slumber and go hang out in the tiny basement bathroom together. Tara and I opened the living room curtains and watched the storm roll through, enjoying an impressive lightning show. Somehow, my folks slept through all the action.

Other than their drive to the airport, they lucked out with the weather. It was mostly sunny and mild the six days they were here, and even reached 80º on Sunday. It’s only going to hit the upper 40s this weekend, so their timing was perfect. All in all, it was a nice visit, even though I didn’t get to see them as much as usual because of my new job.

Speaking of, I can’t believe I’ve almost wrapped up my second full week at CheeseGov. I am settling into a nice routine and feeling more at home with each passing day. Last week was all about paperwork, orientation, and putting faces with names (then promptly forgetting those names as soon as the next person was introduced. I’m notoriously terrible with names. There are people I worked with at TobacCo whom I couldn’t name even after a year.)

This week, I’ve done actual work. As external communications manager, 50% of my job is devoted to social media management. If that’s news to you, well…it was news to me, too! But it’s Congratulations, you’ve inherited $5 million! news instead of Your home is teeming with mold and we’ll have to tear apart the walls kind of news, i.e., the good kind. Getting paid to post department news to LinkedIn and the-platform-formerly-known-as-Twitter, a/k/a X, sure beats having to shell out keyword-focused scaffolding blogs every month.  

The other half of my job involves pimping myself out to department staff as a writing and editing resource. I’m responsible for newsletters, blogs, press releases, brochures, web copy, email correspondence, audio/video production, and plain language initiatives. It sounds like a ton of work, but honestly, this might be the most laid-back job I’ve ever had. Most of my career has been spent in agency settings ruled by tight deadlines and billable hours. Not having to worry about those things is a revelation; it’s like I was admitted into a secret society where everyone is chill and works at their own pace. Don’t get me wrong: if there’s a career fair at a Kenosha college on April 25, I can’t just say, “Ehh, I’ll share that info on April 26.” Not if I want to keep my job! (And I do, please and thank you.) But I’m also not so overwhelmed with work that something like that will slip through the cracks. It’s a very low-stress job, which has made me realize in hindsight just how stressful most of my others were. Who knew?!

Oh, and meetings. There are lots of meetings, but they’re informative, and I mostly just have to listen in case there is messaging to share with the public. I might even end up selling a few copies of my novel, because every time I am introduced to a new group of people, I tell them about my professional background and always mention that I wrote a book called No Time for Kings that’s available on Amazon.

Hey, I’m not one to turn down the opportunity for a little self-promotion when I’ve got a captive audience!

As I mentioned before, working in Madison definitely has its pluses. Take Monday, for instance. I drove to the UW Arboretum on my lunch break and strolled around the expansive grounds, admiring all the newly blossoming trees. With sunshine, a light breeze, and a 70º temperature, I couldn’t have asked for a nicer day.

Probably the most fun I have at work is playing a game I like to call Elevator Roulette. This is something I’ve done my whole life; anytime I’m confronted with a bank of elevators — a hotel, for example, or a seven-story house of ill repute — I’ll push the UP or DOWN button, choose an elevator, and confidently stand in front of it as if I’m 100% sure that’s the one that will open. Do I often end up looking like a fool? Well, sure…but honestly, that’s the story of my life, and I’ve made peace with it! Besides, it’s worth it when the elevator I’m standing in front of is the one whose doors open. I realize there’s a fine line between looking like a psycho and a psychic, but it’s one I’m willing to straddle, because when I’m right, it feels like winning the lottery. CheeseGov has four elevators, so I have a 25% chance of choosing the correct one any given time. Not great odds, but I swear I nail it more often than not.

By the way, when my dad asked me which floor I work on and I told him the top, he said, “Score!” I knew there were other people who experienced a superiority complex working on the top floor! “It’s like you’re in the penthouse!” he added. “A deluxe apartment in the sky!” Maybe he’s been watching old episodes of The Jeffersons or something, but it’s nice to receive some validation. 

But enough about CheeseGov! I want to talk about other things. Like Top Chef, whose current season takes place in Wisconsin. They’ve done a great job showcasing both Milwaukee and Madison, and have really nailed the spirit of our state by highlighting cheese, Door County cherries, Charlie Berens, and supper clubs, to name a few. Just wait until they face off against the Milwaukee Brewers’ famous racing sausages! 

There was a time in spring 2022 when we were on the fence about moving here. We actually decided against it, but were unable to get the idea out of our heads. I know if we had decided to stay in Rapid City and were watching this season of Top Chef, I’d be seriously regretting that decision. So, in a sense, this is another source of validation.

Top Chef is a very big deal for Wisconsin, and really, how odd is it that my favorite cooking competition devotes an entire season to the Dairy State one year after we move here? I attended a virtual meeting with communications specialists from other state agencies this morning, and the Economic Development gal was gushing over how much business the state is seeing because of Top Chef. As long as people don’t start moving out here in droves, jacking up our housing prices and clogging our highways, I’m all in favor of the publicity! 

Do you play Elevator Roulette? Is being on top really best? (Read into that any way you’d like and answer accordingly.) Are you watching Top Chef? If so, who’s your favorite? 

71 responses to “We finally got a piece of the pie.”

  1. Only ever worked in single story buildings, so I don’t feel that I’m qualified to answer that question. but heck, who needs to qualifications to answer a blog question, right?

    OF COURSE it’s a big deal. Otherwise that level wouldn’t be on the top 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Quicker access to the helicopter pad, too! (Or would be if we had a helicopter pad…)

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Big weather, yikes! We had some in Austin when we were there for the eclipse and then a tornado watch in OK. Double yikes! That weather and scenery is gorgeous. Elevator roulette, no. I just try to control my nausea while riding in one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You get nauseous riding elevators? I’m guessing you don’t feel any top floor envy if that’s the case! How’d you enjoy the eclipse?


      1. Yes, my stomach somehow doesn’t like that motion of going up/down and then settling. I tend to get motion sickness anyway. I enjoyed the eclipse! It wasn’t life changing, but it was fascinating. It got so dark!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. You’ve had your hands full with your second week only at work and your folks visiting. Good thing your dad at least sounds like he shares your sense of humor. Congrats on the big league! You’ve finally got a piece of the pie—-ie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m going to have to see if I can find “The Jeffersons” streaming anywhere now…


  4. I haven’t seen Top Chef since that time when Dave said I’m not your bitch, Bitch… that’s quite a long time

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m not even sure which season that was…

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      1. The first but i saw a few more after that I think up to season 5

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  5. Opportunities for elevator roulette are few and far between for me. The last time was probably at the Denver airport. I had my bigger piece of luggage and had a fear of hurtling down the escalator because of the cumbersome luggage. It took so long at a bank of 4 elevators, and my daughter was waiting in a zone that she wasn’t supposed to be in, so I ended up on the escalator after all. I would say there are definitely times that being on top is advantageous… I gave up on cooking shows long ago- probably about the same time I nixed home reno shows after having enough of Chip and Joanna.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The Denver airport is insane to begin with! But super cool, because you can buy Broncos memorabilia in the gift shops. What’s not to love about that?!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well…I’d say not loving the Broncos puts a damper on the gift shop idea. DIA is great for getting a million steps in while you wait, however the $17 for a sandwich consisting of Wonder Bread, plastic cheese, a mystery luncheon meat and if lucky- a 1/4 leaf of lettuce doesn’t really give me the “super cool” vibe either.

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      2. I suppose not. I’m sure you’re familiar with the conspiracy murals they used to have on display?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. OMG, I was not familiar at all!! Apparently I missed out on seeing them given what the news stories say but this concept trumps any negativity regarding $17 crap sandwiches for sure. I would have gazed at those murals for hours and pondered the implications for mankind.


  6. Yes to top chef. It’s hard not to like rasika….but I don’t have a fave…yet….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I haven’t seen this week’s episode yet, but holy cow, Rasika is looking pretty dominant so far! I’m kinda partial to Dan just because he’s the local guy and his restaurant has been on my list of places to visit ever since we moved here. Plus, he’s really overcoming adversity by competing.

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  7. I thought it was, “Fish don’t fry in the kitchen / Beans don’t burn on the grill?” Or do I have the wrong address? 😜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG, I totally switched those lyrics around. Thank you for catching that! I’ve renamed my post now! (Believe it or not, I have a previous post from years ago titled “Beans don’t burn on the grill.”)

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  8. I’m on the top of the world

    Looking down on creation . . .

    I used to work on the 26th floor of the Wachovia Building in Winston-Salem NC. The building SWAYED in the breeze. Very disconcerting in stormy weather. :D

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Being on the top floor of a swaying building would freak me out, even though I know they’re designed to do that. I feel fortunate that CheeseGov is only six stories tall…I certainly haven’t felt it sway even once.


  9. Do your Roulette rules allow you to change elevators if you can hear that another elevator is going to be the one to open, or do you have to commit and stick? I’m on the first floor of a one-story school, so I guess I’m on the top floor. Never realized I was working in the penthouse! No to Top Chef, but The Husband and I have gotten back into The Amazing Race and we’re loving it! Travel the world from your couch (or stationary bikes, in our case) without all the divorce-inducing stress you’d feel if you were actually doing the race.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I almost mentioned this in my post. Once I commit, I don’t switch elevators…even if I hear another one approaching. Those are the times that I look especially idiotic, but what are you going to do? Stop playing Elevator Roulette? Not an option.

      I’m a fan of The Amazing Race, too…though I’m a couple of episodes behind thanks to our company and my new job.

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      1. I must admit, we’re a little disappointed they won’t seem to leave Central/South America (I hope that’s not a spoiler for you). The Spanish-speakers have such an advantage, which doesn’t seem fair. Also, I want to see the WORLD, dammit!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Boom, it sounds great, and all of the surprises have been positive. It is real, and you’re not dreaming!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How can I be sure I’m not dreaming about reading a comment from Beth saying this is real and I’m not dreaming…?

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  11. My husband worked for the government in some form or other for more than 45 years and never once did he describe it as stress free…. I offer his triple bypass surgery as proof. I say this to let you know how truly blessed you are. Maybe it’s the difference between federal and state, but yay for you! Laid back top floor work is nothing to be sneezed at. 😉
    Those blooming trees are lovely.
    And please don’t think less of me, but I’ve never watched Top Chef.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Could be the position, too. I’m sure some of the other departments – those that are more public-facing – have plenty of stress to contend with. That’s the nice thing about being a writer: I’m almost always behind the scenes, which is exactly where I prefer to be!

      Top Chef is hands-down the best cooking competition out there, and one of the better reality shows, as well. Only The Amazing Race comes close.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, reality shows aren’t my thing. Though I do like food…

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  12. I was so excited to see the supper club episode this week, after reading about the one you took your parents to. And the farmer’s market looked amazing! I can see why tourism would start to rise. My fave chef so far is Michelle Wallace.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The farmers’ market is really impressive. And VERY popular, as you can imagine! When we came out here for a visit in July 2022, we stayed in a hotel one block away, which was super convenient.

      I like how Michelle sacrificed pineapple for the good of her team.


  13. I like that Top Chef explores different regions each season. I’m enjoying learning about Wisconsin (a state I still need to visit as I get closer to the goal of 50 states). I think Kristen is doing a great job as host (but she’s no Padma) . Personality-wise I’m liking Michelle and Rasika. Not sure yet talent-wise.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree: Kristen is pretty good as a host, but I miss Padma. I’m hoping she comes back as a guest judge in a future season.

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  14. I’m excited for you, Mark! What an awesome job you’ve landed! Like Deb, my life is quite devoid of elevators, but no I need to play the next time I encounter one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. TobacCo had an elevator too, but I only rode it twice in 1.5 years. Being on the second floor, it was much easier to just use the stairs. You know what I don’t experience much of these days? Escalators. I can’t remember the last time I even saw one!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oooh, escalators! You’re right… there’s so rare nowadays.

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  15. Glad to hear things are going well! I can always count on you for at least one or two LOL moments and this time? It was this, your observation about your own behavior that’s also shockingly applicable to moi: “…the fine line between looking like a psycho and a psychic”. 😜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s amazing how simply switching up a couple of letters results in a completely different connotation, huh?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL…yes…and funny how we’re just the people to notice that! 😜

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Never been overly keen on elevators in the past (we call them lifts over here in the UK), although the arthritis in my knee has changed my views about them 😉

    That is seriously some weather, glad it didn’t rain on the parade of your parents’ visit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve always loved that you guys call them lifts. Honestly, that’s a much more accurate description, and a time-saver too because it’s only one syllable versus four. I wish we called them lifts here!

      Gotta say though, I have a harder time getting on board with “flats” versus “apartments.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I prefer apartment too – but it’s considered a bit flash to call them that over here. And we British like nothing better than to tear down someone who’s getting above themselves! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  17. Love the elevator roulette. I wouldn’t have the nerve to stand in front of one, but I respect the fact that you’re okay with it. I liked your “straddling the line” line. So great that the weather was nice for your ‘rents. I would imagine many of the people on the lower floors like their floors also. They’re the Sam Gamgee of office buildings. I’m afraid I haven’t seen Top Chef, but it’s cool it’s working so well for your state! Hopefully not TOO well, like you said.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, “the Sam Gamgee of office buildings” is a great description. You knew I’d love that one, didn’t you? Let’s not forget the crucial role Sam played in saving Middle Earth. A true unsung hero. Man, now I almost wish I worked on the third floor instead!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL! Nah. You can be Aragorn here. 🙂

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  18. higher is finer!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sounds like a billboard for a dispensary!

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  19. I’ve lived in many high-rise buildings, and stayed in many tall hotels, but never played Elevator Roulette which seems like a missed opportunity now that I know about it. 

    I’ve heard of but never watched Top Chef therefore I have no favorite [a person I take it not a recipe?].

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, a person, not a recipe. If you ever decide to check out Top Chef, holy cow, you’ve got 21 seasons to go through now. How fun that would be!

      (I didn’t even start watching until season 3, so even I have some unwatched episodes if I ever get desperate for things to watch.)

      (I never get desperate for things to watch.)

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  20. I didn’t realize the new season of Top Chef had started. I need to find it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heck yeah you do. We’re five episodes in! Plus, Last Chance Kitchen just ended.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I watched episode one this morning!

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      2. Now that I’m all caught up, I’m rooting for Michelle and Dan. I’m also glad they brought Kristen Kish in as the host.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I like Dan, too. And Soo.

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  21. I once worked on one of the top floors of the Fox Plaza (i.e., DIE HARD) building and meh. There’s SO MUCH swaying in an earthquake. Birds crash into the windows. Your ears pop in the elevator. The view is only good so many days of the year because of smog, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think if I lived in Southern California, the top floor would be much less appealing. I’d never even thought about birds crashing into the windows. That probably happens at all tall buildings, huh? At least there’s no smog here!

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  22. Oh, this line is so good, ” I realize there’s a fine line between looking like a psycho and a psychic

    I didn’t realize that Top Chef had different locations and featured local foods. That is really cool.

    Love that you love your new job. Not surprised that you do given your master manifesting capabilities but delighted to hear it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, Top Chef has been all over the globe. There was a Portland season when I lived out there, too, so we got to try a couple of our favorite cheftestant’s restaurants. Great experience!

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  23. I wasn’t cognizant of the fact I have been playing Elevator Roulette all my life, but here we are. At least I now have a name for the behavior. I was “lucky” enough to work on the top floor of a four-story building once, and thought it was really cool having a great view of the countryside all around us until the floor beneath me started to sway a bit one day. The story was that with a major quarry nearby, they “factored” in some earthly movement and the damn floor would actually sway a bit once in awhile. Weird. Being on top was a mixed bag there. 🏢

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re at least the third person to mention a swaying building. I haven’t experienced that yet, but I guess I’ll have to pay closer attention to see if CheeseGov’s acts similarly. At least there are no quarries nearby.

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  24. I’ve never seen a single episode of Top Chef, but now you’ve made me want to watch this season.

    I’m so glad Wisconsin is only a short drive away. When given the option to go somewhere for fun, we usually choose “up north.” ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I signed up for a Peacock subscription just to be able to watch this season! I’ve been a Top Chef fan since nearly the beginning, but when we got rid of cable a few years ago, had to wait until Top Chef came to Hulu…typically a year or so after the season ended. No way was I going to wait to find out what happened in Wisconsin!

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      1. Can we watch this season, or do we have to start from season one?

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      2. You can totally watch this season!

        Liked by 1 person

  25. Of course I play elevator roulette; what am I, an animal?

    The arboretum looks lovely and I’d hate to leave and go back to work.

    I had something sassy in mind about being on top, but I’m gonna refrain!

    I’m so happy you are loving your new job.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly, I practically invited sassy comments, but you’re the first to even allude to one. You get a gold star for that!

      Liked by 1 person

  26. Confused. How does elevator roulette differ from “normal” person calls an elevator? But defo – top floor is superior


    1. I press the button and then choose which elevator I think is going to arrive by standing directly in front of it. I have a 1 in 4 chance of being right.


  27. […] thanks to mark, mike and i are now addicted to top […]


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