We continue to plug along here in Casa Corona. Tara is feeling much better and her symptoms are mostly gone, though she did end up (mostly) losing her sense of taste and smell. She feels that might be due more to the congestion than anything else. It’s a less common symptom with Omicron but not unheard of.

I joked that, since she can’t really taste much, I should cook things she doesn’t like. Beans, for instance. She actually agreed, so tomorrow, I’m making a pot of chili. One of my favorites!

As for me, it’s a freakin’ miracle I haven’t gotten it. Actually, I’m pretty sure I have. How could I not? Other than at night, we haven’t isolated from each other. I’ve been breathing her air all week. She’s put on a mask a few times and Lysols the remote before handing it to me, but mostly it’s business as usual minus the kissing and groping.

Well, minus the kissing.

I suspect I’m one of the lucky asymptomatic 30%. Either that or I have a killer immune system. I did have a minor cough for a few days last week, but if COVID weren’t a thing, I wouldn’t even have given it a second thought.

I’d planned on getting tested anyway. Went so far as to schedule a COVID test this morning, but my HR director had warned me insurance wouldn’t cover it unless I had symptoms. I should’ve fudged the questionnaire, I guess. It would have cost me $250 out of pocket, so I ended up cancelling. CenturyCo is treating me as though I’m positive—I’m still quarantining until Wednesday—so it seems pointless to shell out the dough.

This is why the actual case numbers are probably a lot higher than what’s being reported.

I need to figure out how to get an antibody test, I guess. It would be nice to know if I’ve had it—not that the knowledge would change anything.

COVID+ or not, Tara still made us chicken paprikas last night in honor of my dad. My mom makes it every year for his birthday, which was last week. Since it’s no longer convenient for us to pop on over for the annual supper, we just make it ourselves. Tara has mastered the family recipe, so she broke out the dumpling maker last night and got busy.

As always, it turned out fantastic.

Not surprisingly, it’s been a pretty low-key weekend. I kinda wish we hadn’t binged our way through Cobra Kai so quickly! Dexter: New Blood is also done, so we busted out a bunch of DVDs and have been watching movies. We also started Yellowjackets. I signed up for a free month of Showtime, so figured, we might as well check it out. Early impressions: it’s sort of like Lost meets Lord of the Flies with a little bit of Mean Girls thrown in for good measure.

Stay warm and stay safe!

34 responses to “Business As Usual Minus the Kissing”

  1. It said, “Be the first to like this,” so I complied. But I cheated. Now I have to actually read the post.
    Siiiiiiiiighhhh…. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, you need to jump on those opportunities when you see them!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. For reals. I had actually just gone to my inbox after reading another post and was thinking, “What to read next,” when yours popped up! I gotta keep up with the BBBs since I’ve got more stories to post on my own blog. JJ is breaking my typical two posts a month system. When I realized this, I thought, “Who am I? Mark?!”

        Liked by 1 person

      2. LOL!! Just be glad I bailed out of Bloganuary early on.


  2. When Hubby had it, I, too, was amazed I didn’t get it. I tested twice, but nada. Like you, I sorta kinda had A symptom, but nothing to sneeze at (I had to. Just had to.)

    Chicken paprikas is a family favorite here too! My dad and father are both 50% Hungarian. I’m impressed you have a dumpling maker! Looks like you have some vintage appliances on that back shelf that Doris left for you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My dad’s side is Czech/Hungarian, so yeah. I’ve been eating paprikas all my life. Just once a year, though.

      The dumpling maker was handed down by my grandmother. As for the appliances on the shelf, those were mostly vintage store finds in Portland. But I’m sure Doris would approve.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Vintage store finds. Love it. Cool they still work! And that classic green color. Reminds me of the carpeting in my parents house growing up. Pretty sure it’s what’s in your 70’s themed basement.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Pretty close, actually!


  3. We binged our way through Cobra Kai really quickly, too. I can’t believe it’s over. We just watched the third season of Ricky Gervais’ After Life in one night. Now that’s finished, too. Aaahh.

    I feel the same as you: how could I NOT have had COVID at some point (especially given my job)? But all that time in close quarters with the husband while he had Omicron and never getting it (according to 4 antigen tests and 3 PCR tests, taken over a little over a 2-week period)? I’m going with killer immune system.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess seven tests don’t lie. If you could bottle up whatever has kept you healthy and sell it, you’d be rich!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve run that unending race attempting to decide to test or not. I have seasonal allergies, that yes still flair in winter. I live in a 62 yr old drafty apartment that likely has something noxious growing under the floor. I mask, I sanitize, I isolate (at least early on) and there are multiple times that I maybe-could have-thought perhaps-was almost sure that I had some form of Covid. I’ve never tested and nothing has ever gone beyond the “maybe- but no real symptoms” point. I continue to do the best that I can and know how to protect others, but really I think we need to get beyond Covid ruling our lives at this point. Those who want to be safe, well and protect others will have already done so, and continue to. The rest…I’m ready to say so be it, except for the kids who can’t make choices to help themselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can’t do anything more than you’re already doing, and you’re right: by now, you won’t change anybody’s mind about how they approach the virus. I’m with you: it’s beyond time we stopped letting COVID rule our lives.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I want dumplings now. There’s a Swiss recipe kicking around here… Maybe I’ll bug my mom to make me some while I fiddle with my Etsy shop. 🙃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If only there were a dumpling emoji!

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  6. “I should cook things she doesn’t like.” Now would that be a nice thing to do? I’ve never had chicken paprikas, but it looks delicious. Stay well, ok

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was half-kidding when I said that, but she was on board. Gotta take advantage while I can!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sarah Sheldon Prashaw Avatar
    Sarah Sheldon Prashaw

    Glad to hear that Taras on the mend!

    If you’re looking for new tv to watch, if you like yellowstone, you’ll probably like Justified if you haven’t watched it yet (On Hulu), or Jack Ryan on Amazon.

    We are mostly caught up on Stranger Things (need to watch Season 3), and have enjoyed Star Trek Discovery and Picard (on Paramount +). 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve never seen “Yellowstone” but I’m curious about that. I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about it! Thanks for the recommendations.


  8. It’s weird to not get Covid when you’re in the same household, but it seems fairly common. I’m wondering if some people are the opposite of Super Spreaders and just don’t pass it on maybe because of a low viral load?

    I can’t imagine life without beans!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Maybe we should call them Super Unspreaders.

      I can’t imagine a beanless existence either. I make them for myself all the time; with the chili, I’ll probably just do them on the side and mix them into my bowl rather than let them cook with the meat.


  9. Totally jealous of the paprikash (yes, that’s the correct spelling 🤓) The Covid? Not so much. I’ve been hearing more and more people losing their taste and smell even with the new variant. My girlfriend got sick right before Christmas and hers still hasn’t returned. I just binged Yellowjackets, finale tonight. It’s alright, but I’m really just killing time until Billions.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I used to spell it that way…it certainly LOOKS right. Our neighbors (Christmas Light Kelly) lost their sense of smell and taste for months. I’m hoping Tara’s comes back quickly.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t even imagine his awful it must be. Although I hear it’s quite an effective diet plan…

        Liked by 1 person

  10. So glad Tara is feeling better.


  11. The testing is whack to say the least. Since I was never confirmed Plague Positive when I was sick, I did get the antibody test after. I had antibodies, then didn’t, then did again. Work paid for the first two and insurance paid for the last. They were all drawn within a two week time frame three months after I first fell ill. Most of the people in my office had similar changes in results, and we all fell quite ill within days of one another. My ill lasted 5 weeks and some days I have no faith in the antibody tests, and not too sure about the live tests, either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What the heck? This makes me question any test result, positive or negative.


  12. Hoping all is better soon

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. She’s much better today.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. You have to pay for a COVID test if you have no symptoms even after you’ve been exposed?! That seems insane to me. Here in Los Angeles, my kid’s been tested after being exposed (free) and also has weekly tests done at public school (even though he is now vaccinated). It is all free, even if you don’t have insurance or symptoms.

    Though I have read stories of price gouging for testing when a CVS pharmacy opted to send tests to “out of network” labs. And of course even though free testing is mandated (Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act explicitly state that patients aren’t responsible for the cost of being tested for the virus) insurers worked very hard to find that loophole and use labs that charge $400 instead of $130 for testing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that’s the loophole. If you have symptoms, they do the test in-house immediately. Tara had her results in 30 minutes. If not, they have to send it out to a lab (in this case, one in Gillette, Wyoming) and you don’t get your results for 48 hours.

      The health insurance industry is a joke. I know that firsthand.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I agree, it seems crazy that you would not have had it as well. Here, we have Lab Corp and they do the anti-body test for $25. Not sure if you have lab corp or Quest in your area; I think all the labs will do them now for a nominal fee.
    I’ve never heard of Chicken Paprika; it looks really interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m hearing that the antibody tests are basically worthless if you’ve already been vaccinated. I guess I may never know for sure at this point.

      Chicken paprikas is a classic Hungarian dish, and my mom’s recipe has been handed down through the generations. It’s really good!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re right, I forgot about the vaccine showing that we have antibodies.


  15. […] about to throw away a perfectly good $4 breakfast wrap. Besides, I rarely get sick. Even my COVID, if it was that, came without symptoms. I have to think my willingness to eat food off…well, […]


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