I stepped outside this morning and was greeted with a blast of cold air and a brisk wind. A couple of hours later Tara called and, as we were chatting, I mentioned how chilly it was outside. But I immediately caught myself and retracted the sentence.

“It’s not really cold outside,” I said.

And it wasn’t. The temperature was hovering around 40 degrees, which – granted – ain’t exactly swimsuit weather, but it is only February. We’ve had an unusually warm couple of months, so a temperature closer to the norm felt extra cold to me.

Besides, I keep reminding myself how cold next winter is going to be. I’ve been following the weather in Rapid City religiously for months now, and there have been many days where highs were in the single digits, and nights have dipped below zero. So I’m trying very hard not to complain about fake cold like 38 degrees, because it’s all relative and a year from now that will feel probably feel warm!

My parents are currently on vacation in Florida, so we decided to take advantage of the situation by borrowing their grill. Being as how their grill is attached to the side of their house via a natural gas valve, we ended up borrowing their entire house while we were at it. (Don’t worry, mom – we brought our own wine!).

Grilling is one thing we both miss. When I was a homeowner I’d grill out at least once a week, pretty much all year long. But our apartment complex doesn’t allow grills, and even though some residents break the rules Tara and I choose to walk the straight and narrow. Which means grilling has turned into a special occasion.


We picked up ribeye steaks from Costco, invited our friend Kara over, and had ourselves a feast on Saturday night, kicking back in their sunroom (we borrowed that, too) with the aforementioned steak, accompanied by sauteed mushrooms, shrimp, apricot pepita cabbage slaw, and garlic bread. We had a great time, even if Kara was a little unnerved by the creepy oversized doll in the living room. I didn’t mention how the thing comes to life sometimes and tiptoes up the stairs in the middle of the night, magically appearing in bed with my parents.

Just kidding, Kara.

Countdown: 131 days.

8 responses to “Fake Like 38”

  1. Well, this is actually Bijoux. That name to the left is from an account from about 10 years ago that I guess is still linked to my blogger email address. I’m just trying to set up a WordPress account so I don’t have to keep logging in.

    You say apricot pepita cabbage slaw like we’ve all eaten this before? Well, it sounds yummy!

    We crack up at our sad selves every year come October when temps hit the 40 degree mark and we need coats. Then March arrives with 40 degrees and we are running around in shorts like it’s a heat wave!


    1. Hello, Bijoux! Welcome to my blog. Nice to “meet” you.

      Oh, wait….


  2. Ok I’ve got the name changed, I’ll work on photo tomorrow!


  3. Mark, as you know I LOVE cold weather, so 38 degrees sounds perfectly delightful to me. In fact. this is the first year here in a LONG time where we’re having a REALLY cold winter, and I hope it goes on for two more months 🙂

    Don’t ya love stuff cooked on a grill? Everything seems to taste better!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know you well, Ron! All I can say is – I agree wholeheartedly! The weather is supposed to turn even colder next week and there is some talk of snow, so my fingers are crossed.


  4. Oh you and that doll comment at the end! I know my boyfriend would do that to me! Those things are so creepy like why do they even need to exist! Why?!


    1. Ha. I wish I’d done that! Good to see your name in bold. It’s been awhile! 🙂


  5. […] night. We hadn’t been to their house in ages – at least not when they were home, as we did borrow their grill a couple of times when they were out of town – so it was nice seeing them again. We often try […]


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