Vinyl Heaven

See this needle…a see my hand…
Drop, drop, dropping it down…oh, so gently…
Well here it comes…I touch the plane…
Turn me up…won’t turn you away…
Spin, spin…spin the black circle
Spin, spin…spin the black, spin the black…
Spin, spin…spin the black circle

Inspired by the following comment left on yesterday’s entry: “Do you still have vinyl to play on the turntable? I didn’t think people even kept LP’s anymore.” Anybody who knows me or Tara is well aware of the answer to that. 🙂

6 responses to “Spin The Black Circle”

  1. The magical door!! Because everybody knows once you go through that magical door, you are transported to a different time and place.

    Case in point…I was listening to Marshall Tucker Band this morning and BOOM…I was back in MA with Tara being a newborn baby.

    It was a great visit!


    1. YES!! Never thought of the record itself as a magical door, but you’re absolutely right. I’ve taken many trips myself over the years.


  2. HA! Love it, Mark! And looking closely at this photo, are those cassette tapes?!?!

    Now THOSE I still have. But vinyls? No 😦


    1. Why, yes – they are cassette tapes. This place (Music Millennium in Portland) has it all!


  3. I’m the guilty party of course! I knew how much you loved music, I just didn’t know you still had LP’s. I would have thought you would have downloaded your music onto something more modern! This is the 2nd time I’ve inspired one of your posts by putting my foot in my mouth.


    1. I’ll listen to Spotify at work, my iPod on the drive home, and then put on a record when I walk through the door. That’s how I roll! Don’t feel bad for your comment, that was great.


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