Something I never thought I’d say to a record store clerk in 2023: “Excuse me, do you have the new Rolling Stones album?”

Something I never thought a record store clerk would say to me in 2023: “Sorry, but we’re all sold out!”

I told the clerk I was surprised how good Hackney Diamonds is, and he said it surprised everyone. Mick and Keith could’ve rested on their laurels, but chose instead to release an album of new material for the first time since 2006. The fact that these octogenarians would put out a banger is downright shocking. If you haven’t listened to it, it’s really good.

So, I walked away from Strictly Discs in Madison last Friday without the new Rolling Stones LP, but certainly not empty-handed. That would be the most astonishing development of all. I got a few albums, including the awesome Dripfield by Goose, but also, this:

I’ve been on a 45 kick lately. Most times when I walk into a record store, they’re shocked that somebody is actually buying the 45 RPM records that have been gathering dust for years. Black Circle Records in Lake Geneva let me take as many as I wanted for 10 cents each. I just think they’re fun, even if listening to them means getting up every 3-4 minutes to put a new one on. Hey, it’s a good cardio workout! And if I ever end up with a jukebox in the basement — yes, this is a dream! — I’ll be set.

The Mystery Grab Bag is always fun. At 20 cents per 45, how can you go wrong? Sure, this bag contained some clunkers. Paul Anka, Desmond Dekker & The Aces, and Los Hermanos Arriagad, among others. But also, Queen (“We Will Rock You” / “We Are the Champions”), Fleetwood Mac (“Gypsy”), and Van Morrison (“Brown Eyed Girl”). Totally worth a roll of the dice.

Also, at a time when most people are getting rid of physical media, we just bought a new Blu-Ray player. What can I say? Old school ’til I die.

After near-record heat last week, the weather in Wisconsin has done a complete 180. In fact, today we even got a little snow. Merry Halloween, amirite?!

Not a lot by any means. Just enough to remind us that winter is right around the corner, El Niño be damned. And it won’t affect trick-or-treating, because in Fort Atkinson, that took place Sunday afternoon. Which is honestly kind of a bummer; how can you light up your yard and fire up the fog machine at 2 p.m.? It’s not nearly as spooky (and is a moot point anyway, as we didn’t have a single costumed reveler show up at our door).

To prepare for the changing seasons, Tara planted approximately 150 bulbs over the weekend. Daffodils and tulips, not incandescents and fluorescents, by the way. Meanwhile, I burned up a bunch of limbs and leaves in a backyard slash pile. Man alive, nothing makes you feel more like you’re living in the country than burning piles of woody debris* on a cold, overcast autumn day.

*Haha, I accidentally capitalized Woody Debris without thinking! Woody Debris sounds like a promising high school quarterback for a team with a bird mascot whose dreams of NFL glory ended when he blew out his knee midway through his junior year. He knocked up Cheyenne, his cheerleader girlfriend, and later married her; had to settle for community college but dropped out after one semester because he could never drag himself to class on time (English Composition was a real bore anyway); and is now an insurance salesman in Dubuque who loves watching NASCAR, catches Cheap Trick whenever they play the Iowa State Fair, and wears Pabst Blue Ribbon t-shirts unironically. He and Cheyenne have three kids, a black lab named Duke, and consider Cosmic Bowling a night out on the town. Woody has been tinkering with that old ’67 Plymouth Fury in the garage forever (but will probably never get the damn thing running, much to Cheyenne’s dismay, because she is always having to step over loose piston rings and rod bearings while carrying loads of laundry to the washer, and dammit, she already stubbed a toe on one of Tommy’s LEGOs earlier in the day and is not in the mood to deal with a half-finished valve train blocking her path when there’s a meatloaf to get in the oven).

We also raked up a metric shit ton of leaves for the compost bin, hauled logs onto the patio for our wood stove, and I cut the grass for (presumably) the last time this year, given that the temperature has dropped to 27° the past couple of mornings. I got 11 hours’ worth of use out of the John Deere this summer, and every single ride was pure joy, but now he’s in hibernation for the winter.

You know who else enjoys cutting the grass with his John Deere? Woody Debris, of course!

71 responses to “I’m on a 45 kick lately.”

  1. I love, love the 45 mystery bag!!!! Absolutely brilliant for so many reasons

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They also have (and we have purchased) regular album grab bags. Five for $10. Those seem to be more miss than hit, though.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Paul Anka is not a clunker!!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. the lure of the 45s, would appeal to me more, lower risk of spending all for naught )

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ha, I like the Stones album too. Terrible title though. Alexis Petridis in the Guardian says it sounds like a lap dancing club. Made me laugh.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t think much of the title at first, but it’s East London slang for broken glass. I do kind of like that…maybe a play on their old hit “Shattered.”


  3. I have to chuckle that you think blu ray is old school… I still have an 8 track player. But the 45 grab bag is a fun idea. I’ve always wanted a juke box for the man cave/Barn Mahal but boy, nice vintage ones be pricey.
    That dusting of snow is lovely. And it seems you’re living the country boy’s dream of wood burning. Technical measurement of leaves et al.
    I haven’t heard the entire Stones album but I admit to being disappointed with the Lady Gaga collaboration… that one left me flat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Believe it or not, Blu-Rays came out in 2004! I couldn’t believe it’s been so long. I was really referring more to physical media being old school, though. You know how I feel about my shiny plastic movies!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 2004 is not my idea of old school, but maybe it is for you young whippersnappers….

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Mind you, the title is better than the artwork…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Cute post. Should you ever start a band you could name it Woody Debris & the 45s. I am sure that your John Deere will enjoy his time in the garage. Now onto the snow thrower, eh?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My band name was always going to be Hannah & The Palindromes. Regardless of whether we have a female singer!

      The snow blower is ready to go, but also, we can flip that switch on our heated driveway, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Great pictures of the snowy autumn. Looks lovely. Glad the leaves are being composted!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AND we left some in the grass, too. Per you!

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  7. Idk i think i’d probably dig the entire grab bag…thats cool all the same

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are still a few I have yet to listen to.

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  8. Paul Anka is not a clunker!!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sorry, mom…just not my style. But at least I’ve heard of him!


  9. 27! Was Woody Debris prepped for the weather?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Woody Debris is the guy who wears shorts and flannel shirts when it’s in the teens.

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      1. Ahhhh….and timberlands I bet

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  10. You deserve a prize for telling a story with the name Cheyenne, Cheap Trick, and Cosmic Bowling all mixed into one. Trick or treating in daylight hours sounds pitiful, but if it was pleasant weather, it’s a win for those parents who are schlepping around with the kids. The forecast is snow tonight, so we wimped out on going with the grandkids. Sometimes, we really are ‘too old for that sh*t’!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm. Maybe I should bang out a Woody Debris novel for NanoWriMo?!

      I don’t blame you for staying inside tonight. The cold is like a shock to the system after it was just so warm!


  11. We’ve gotten rid of boxes of albums over the years and have one left to take to a local record shop. Fortunately, they seem to be coming back in vogue and these particular albums were my husband’s favorites. I don’t see us ever getting a turntable again so someone else can enjoy them.

    I love your band name, Hannah & The Palindromes. I want to believe that all of your song titles would also be palindromes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re in luck! Here’s the track list for Hannah & The Palindromes’s debut album Evil Olive:

      1. Mom
      2. Sit On a Potato Pan, Otis
      3. Step On No Pets
      4. Nun
      5. Was It a Cat I Saw?
      6. Oozy Rat in a Sanitary Zoo
      7. No Lemon, No Melon
      8. Do Geese See God?
      9. Never Odd or Even
      10. Yo! Banana Boy

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I knew you’d come through! Rock on!

        Liked by 1 person

  12. When do Woody and Cheyenne come to the big screen? And more importantly who are you going to cast to play them? And could the car actually be a baby blue Chevy Nova instead of the Plymouth Fury? If so I want a mention in the credits, thank you 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m thinking Jason Segel is Woody and Reese Witherspoon is Cheyenne. Casting for the car is TBD.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I like that, and Reese has that feminist empowerment thing so she can toss Woody and his Pabst shirt aside and get my Nova running without him…maybe even driving off screen with a raised middle finger and/or the power fist in full view.

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  13. now, i’m on a mission to find that new rolling stones album! and, i may just pull out my little, checkered vintage 45 carrying case with the clear plastic handle, and put my reconds on. i know i have donovan’s season of the witch on 45 (must have been my mom’s) … but now i’m curious what clunkers and what diamonds i have in there! oh, and your yard is glorious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not gonna lie, I’m totally jealous of your vintage 45 carrying case.

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  14. Glad your grab bag contained some goodies!

    No trick or treaters here, either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Some oldies AND goodies!


  15. How do you like the Goose album?

    I just toured Muscle Shoals Sound Studio and was shocked to see how young the Stones’ faces were when they recorded Brown Sugar there. What an epic run that band has had. I hope you get your hands on the new LP soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love the Goose album. Highly recommend! And Muscle Shoals would be a great tour. Someday!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Woody Debris and his little biog made me positively snort. I vote that you should give NaNoWriMo a go!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve done it before, and it was a slog…but helped me get “Dream Sailors” off the ground. If I were more prepared for the NTFK sequel, I’d be all in.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Sounds like Colorado weather too. 80s last week, 8” of snow over the weekend and icy mornings all week so far.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wow…didn’t realize you’d gotten that much snow. I’d be tempted to put my Christmas decorations up early!

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    2. Zoinks! I guess I can’t complain about the 2.5 inches and 40 minute commute on Halloween morning.

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Sounds like you have another novel ready to go, starring Woody Debris.
    Knowing how into Halloween decorating you guys get, it’s absolutely criminal that no trick-or-treaters saw it. Next year you should post flyers all around town advertising full size candy bars and a spooktacular holiday display.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I guess the correct reply should be, “We don’t decorate for other people. We do it for our own enjoyment.”

      Which is only half-true, I guess. I already have grand plans for next year, regardless of whether or not anyone shows up at our front door. Maybe the full-size candy bars would do the trick!

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Love the aside about Woody Debris – it’s like we got a blog post and a short story all in one!

    So, are the bugs gone? Sorry you didn’t get any trick or treaters with all the decorating Tara did!

    Maybe the 45’s are fun because they bring back a fun age? After all 38 is too far back – but 45?? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Our 23-degree low yesterday morning pretty much killed the remaining bugs. I had to use the leaf blower to “sweep” them out of the driveway into the grass. I swear, that thing has already paid for itself several times over!

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  20. Your mom spamming you in the comments section made my day.

    Woody Debris. I believe I went to high school with him. Or a couple of hims.

    Tara is a BADASS. I can’t wait to see your gardens in the spring.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The best part of all? My parents are currently in Eastern Europe. She spammed me from Hungary. The nerve!

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Woody’s favorite song; Glory Days by Springsteen. The 45 version, of course.

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    1. NAILED IT. Anything from Bon Jovi’s “Slippery When Wet” is a close second.

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  22. Ah, Woody Debris. But let’s be honest: how much of that car part stuff did you have to google, or was there a random article on car mechanics for work recently that I missed a post about?

    11 hours. Cool that you kept track. I hope it takes a long long time for that joy to lessen.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I Googled all of it. I know jack shit about cars, lol. I’m no Woody Debris!

      The John Deere has a digital gauge that tracks time, I guess so you know when it’s ready for servicing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hilarious! And good old Woody Debris. You know he’s gotta make several blog comebacks now, right? I mean, he’s just gotta.

        Neat about the digital gauge.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Haha. I love this! Who knew Woody Debris would strike such a chord?! Challenge accepted.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Is it just me who’s asking? And even if yes, I’m demanding enough to be worth it. 😉

        Listening to You Know You’re Right, and I totally know and love this song. I didn’t realize it was a “new” one. Yes, yes, yes! I love this! I’m so delighted you brought it back to me.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. P.S. You may have noticed that I, ahem, sometimes miss a post or two of yours. (I have shit to do, okay?!) So if my new bbf, Woody, visits your blog again, please alert me somehow. Thanks.

        Liked by 1 person

  23. Oh, and the LP grab bag is cool. I image they use it to get rid of duds but mix in good ones so people don’t get ticked. Had no idea there was a new Stones album! But I did just learn about the “new” Beatles song! It’s also good!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I like the Beatles song! What are the odds we’d have new music from both the Beatles and the Rolling Stones within weeks of each other…in 2023?!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So wild! What next? Nirvana?

        Dude, that would be awesome…

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      2. OMG!! How awesome would that be? Kinda like when they came out with “You Know You’re Right” in 2002. What a gift that was!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. All I can hear with that song title is the Mad Season song of the same name in my head. I need to educate myself on this one.

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      4. What about Verse Chorus Verse and If You Must? Someone introduced me to those recently. Shocking I missed some. Not as shocking as me missing PJ songs, but still.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Two songs in to the Stones, and not in love yet. Watched the vid of the Beatles one. So very cleverly done. Impressive and tasteful homage. That was really sweet.


    2. Verse Chorus Verse and If You Must are both total bangers.

      No, you are not the only one requesting more Woody. The people have spoken!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The people have spoken!

        Love it.


  24. […] knew that a tossed-off paragraph about a fake washed-up football player named Woody Debris would resonate so wildly? The result of a typo, no less. Y’all have practically […]


  25. That’s not a bad grab bag of 45s. I didn’t know they still made them. Great find!


    1. There are some pretty cool Record Store Day 45 releases that you can track down, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  26. […] creamer, guitar-shaped desk clock, macrame hanger, and about three dozen 45 RPM records to add to my growing collection, among other things. What do you know? We really did hit the jackpot in […]


  27. […] couple of weeks ago, we decided to add a fire pit to the backyard. All that woody debris (hey, remember him?!) continues to pile up, and the portable little metal pit we were using was […]


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