You might recall that I’ve got a bit of an obsession with holiday decorating. I never could hold a candle to Christmas Light Kelly, but Halloween, at least, always belonged to me.

Tara did not share my enthusiasm for holiday excess when we first began dating. Some years, she and her ex didn’t even bother putting up a tree. When I learned this, I was aghast.

“What do you mean you don’t put up a tree for St. Patrick’s Day?!” I asked. “You can’t just throw a plate of corned beef and cabbage on the table and call it good!”

Turns out she was talking about Christmas, which is even more of a shock.

Gradually though, she came around. I guess sharing a home with a spouse who’s so gung-ho for the ho-ho-ho will rub off on a person. By our last Halloween in Rapid City, she was all in. Especially when everyone in the neighborhood complimented us on our ghoulishly grand decor.

Last year, confined to a subterranean apartment, we had to settle for a few thrift store knick-knacks, a far cry from our usual over-the-top displays. Ever the optimist, I made a prediction.

Next year, though. We’re going to OWN IT, I wrote. Mark my words.

Sure enough, as soon as we returned home from the Deerfield Apple Festival on Sunday, we set about owning it.

The best part of our awesomely decorated yard? This was pretty much all Tara. I hung a few of the figures in the trees, but otherwise, she did the rest: the spiderweb and straw bale, the flamingos, the tombstones, the rat on the mailbox. She’s even découpaging a pumpkin with colorful leaves from some of the trees on our property, for crying out loud.

Not bad for a gal who once never even bothered with a St. Patrick’s Day tree, amirite?! #proudhubbymoment

You know what’s funny? We have no idea whether we’ll even get any trick-or-treaters out here in the sticks. And there’s certainly no fun-loving over-the-top neighbor to compete against (we miss ya, CLK). Good thing we did this for ourselves.

I think my weather app might be broken.

Slight chance of no precipitation? Huh? That would mean it’s probably going to precipitate, but a 25% chance is hardly a ringing endorsement for rain. I’m thinking a “slight chance of no precipitation” would mean about a 95% chance of actual precipitation. And what’s with the question mark? Are you admitting it’s all one big crapshoot anyway??

(This is the work of AI, right? It’s gotta be.)

In any case, “slight chance of no precipitation” certainly applied today, as it rained all morning, nonstop for five glorious hours. Fall was in the air, and with the decorations, I really felt it.

Holiday decorations: yay or nay? If yay, do you/will you when your kids have flown the coop? Does it feel like fall in your neck of the woods yet? Ever découpage anything?

67 responses to “Slight chance of no precipitation.”

  1. My favorite holiday to decorate for is Halloween, just in the house and definitely not as extensive as yours. When John was little, I definitely decorated for Christmas, but since he is now older and my mom passed, I don’t even put up a tree.

    I do decorate the my work office, though. More people get to see it. I usually outdo myself there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had a blast decorating my office for Christmas! The two years I was at CenturyCo, I won prizes for that. I’m only in the physical office two days a week and have a sparse little cubicle at TobacCo, so I’ll devote all my energy into the house and yard instead.


  2. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday! Most of my decorations are inside, but we do add some scary ghouls around our porch.

    We haven’t had a Christmas tree in many years. We don’t have a great place for it in our living room and I’d rather not deal with the put up/take down part. We do decorate in other ways, though.

    Saint Patrick’s Day? Nope.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One time in WA it snowed on St. Patrick’s Day, so the kids and I made a snowman completely with zucchini slices for its eyes and a cucumber for the nose. That was one way to channel the spirit o’ the Irish!

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  3. It feels like fall in the evening and morning and we’ve had a little precipitation with more on the horizon. I love my fall decorations and my pumpkin spice Scentsy wax. I’m not fond of Xmas decor though; it’s a lot of work for a single person and I struggle with the tree. My husband died in December and it’s also our anniversary month, so it’s a tough time for me. I try to be festive but sometimes don’t succeed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so sorry, Margaret. I can certainly understand your reticence to decorate for the holidays under those circumstances.


  4. Super impressed that you converted Tara. I miss CLK! I hope you find a neighbor who gives her a run for her money come Christmas. And, how many people are going to ask what the heck is a St. Patrick’s Day tree? Have you and Tara placed bets?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a shamrock tree, of course! What…did you think clovers grew on the ground or something?

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      1. Errmm… You will definitely be needing to post a pic of this “tree” come March, Mark!

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      2. I see that people are doubting the existence of this tree. Hmm……

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      3. I smell a future blog post…


  5. I love looking at everyone else’s decor, but without littles around and also no place to store any amount of decor for multiple, or even one, holiday I just choose to admire from afar and remember when we used to decorate.

    I do quite enjoy the skeleton flamingo btw- rather prehistoric with an odd psychedelic vibe.

    Also, just heard by text from CO daughter mid road-trip. Officially arrived in Rapid City for the night so will get info once they return and let you know what they thought of all the sights throughout.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Admiring from afar is certainly easier on the back (and wallet).

      Can’t wait to hear their impressions of the Black Hills and Rapid City! Makes me a little nostalgic actually.

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  6. Love the decor and the spirit, whether you get any trick or treaters or not )

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If not, well, this is why we stock up on the candy WE like.

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      1. Such a good strategy

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  7. My decorating is limited to Christmas and even that is less than it used to be. Downsizing from a 6′ tree to a 4′ tree made me very happy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We have upsized from one tree to two, lol. We’re going the wrong direction!

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  8. We have holiday decorations in our apartment that tend to find themselves hanging out year round…only Christmas when we drag Mr. Purply (our 2 foot purple christmas tree) out of the closet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Our last year in Rapid City, we left the basement Christmas tree up until the day we packed it up in August. It would still be up today if we hadn’t moved!

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  9. I love holiday decorations but I do not like DOING the decorating. So, starting this year, in order for me to have my place decked out for any holiday, someone will need to come do it for me.

    I love that rat on a mailbox!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One of the best decisions we made in Rapid City was hiring somebody to install the outdoor lights. It wasn’t cheap, but it sure saved us a ton of work (and was a great remedy for my fear of heights).

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  10. I like decorating too but I don’t like storing stuff for a year in the place that’s already crammed with other stuff… And I really dislike taking things down. So I try to do the minimalist approach to the holidays, although there is an evil twin inside of me who wants to do all the things for Halloween!

    I have a finite time limit though. When Halloween is over the decorations have to go. For Christmas, maximum 3 weeks and definitely not past the first week of January. Mostly I take the stuff down on January 1st.

    How do you feel about taking things down and when do you do it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Luckily, we have tons of storage. Too much, actually. Two garages, a storage shed that is empty, and closets we don’t use. I should rent out some space to you, ha.

      I am all about taking down the decorations quickly. Often, that means Nov. 1 and Dec. 26. As much as I love the holidays, once they’re over, I’m ready to move on without any reminders.

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  11. You nailed it with the skeletal flamingo. That’s Halloween gold! I used to decorate everything that stood still for every holiday and added more every year. Then a switch was turned off when my mother died and I completely lost the urge. I don’t have the energy or desire to go all out anymore and while decorations are there, they are now quite limited. I miss the extravagant days, but not the knee pain that would accompany 20 trips up and down the cellar stairs carrying giant totes. Wish we lived closer, I have a basement full of things you’d love.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Events like that can certainly dampen your enthusiasm. And yes, hauling totes up stairs isn’t exactly fun, but at least now we just have one flight to contend with. Much better than when we lived in a 3rd-floor apartment in WA!

      If we’re ever in Maine…

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Bring the trailer. Doesn’t Tara have a truck? Drive that to Maine. 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The odds of a trip to Maine in the not-too-distant future are actually higher than you might think.


  12. Oh my goodness. Cheers to Tara — rock on, girl! Your decorations are spooktacular! Like others I dig the black and skeletal flamingos. Scary! I think our lone decor will be a couple of pumpkins (and not because I do the outside decor – it’s all the hubster) and then mums will follow…appearing on the deck. We hold the line at hay bales, though. Too messy. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We resisted the urge to add a couple of cornstalks, though they are for sale right down the street if we change our minds…

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      1. See….I like those…plus the hay bales but I get vetoed. Add a few. Just for me! 😉

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  13. Nice, especially the embellished mums! I love seasonal decorations, but mostly on the inside of the house. On the outside, it’s flags and wind chimes and wreaths. For a few years we had Christmas lights thanks to Baby D, but not many, because I live with the Grinch. Andy’s grateful I’m limited by the amount of storage in the garage. Unfortunately, with the kitchen being repaired after water damage, there’s no place for my pretty tablecloths, etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We actually have a bunch of mums planted in the front yard, but have only seen a few flowers so far. The potted ones are much more impressive. I’ve actually thought about adding a few flags and whatnot.


      1. Um, no need to gild the lily?

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      2. No, the lilies are fine on their own. We’re talking mums, remember?


  14. Christmas Light Kelly. We also give our neighbors names. Oh, that’s not what this post is about…

    I laughed so hard about the St. Patricks Day tree.

    We don’t really decorate for Halloween, but we got Roger the skeleton last year. Does that count?

    I can’t wait to live vicariously through you guys.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Roger for sure counts! I love giving people nicknames. When I worked with a woman named Hana, she was Not A Palindrome on my blog (NAP for short) because she didn’t spell her name the traditional Hannah way. Tamale Girl was also part of that team. Then there was Deb. Guess I ran out of steam when I got to her…

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Pretty, pretty.

    Holiday decorations? Yay

    If yay, do you/will you when your kids have flown the coop? No kids, just us old ones

    Does it feel like fall in your neck of the woods yet? Yes and I’m loving it

    Ever découpage anything? Yes, in sixth grade, with old Christmas cards, to create a gift for our parents

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All four of your answers make me happy.

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  16. I do minimal decorating now that the kids are grown/gone. My rule for Halloween decor is October 1st and not before. But back in the day, we did the spider webs in the bushes and holy cow, that was hard to remove! Once the bags were used up, never again.

    I used to decoupage quite a bit. It’s easy and relaxing. The ? In the app is just weird!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We used to put up harvest decorations Sept. 1 and Halloween decorations Oct. 1. I think during Covid, when a lot of people started decorating for Christmas super early, was when we had a change of heart. Now, it’s whenever the mood strikes. The Halloween stuff does come down Nov. 1, but the house is still Harvest-y until Thanksgiving.

      I refuse to put up the St. Patrick’s Day tree before the second week of March though.

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  17. Oh my goodness, this post is so full of delightful Mark humor. The St. Patrick’s tree – so good! #proudhusbandmoment – hilarious! And “I’m thinking a “slight chance of no precipitation” would mean about a 95% chance of actual precipitation. And what’s with the question mark? Are you admitting it’s all one big crapshoot anyway??” Weatherman Mark is on the job! Loved it!! 🙂 ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I mean, I do have a weather station and consider myself fairly knowledgeable…

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  18. “Gung-ho-ho for the ho-ho-ho” is brilliant!

    I used to use my son’s old halloween costumes in a mix-and-match way on coat hangers and with twine, hanging from various windows and the porch. I miss decorating!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, that’s a great way to repurpose old costumes. Love it!

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  19. Love the Halloween decor! It’s my favorite holiday! It’s still 95 here during the day, but I’m hoping to pull out some decorations soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I go back and forth between Halloween and Christmas. I think whichever one is happening is my favorite at the time, ha. Hope it cools down and starts feeling more like fall for you soon!

      Liked by 1 person

  20. Well done! If you need some ideas for carving pumpkins:

    Holy Pumpkin, Batman!

    And if you want to see tons of fun Halloween Decor ~ just type “Halloween” into the search bar on my blog.

    Our personal decorating is minimal at Halloween & far more extensive at Christmas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. Some of those are amazing! I tend to have less patience when it comes to carving the pumpkin. Two eyes, a nose, a mouth, and I’m good. Tara’s much more creative in that department.


  21. I gotta admit in my single years, I rarely did a Christmas tree. Or even Christmas really, with no family out here to share it with. That’s all changed now, once my wife showed up.

    But we still don’t decorate for Halloween. 😯

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    1. Even in my singlest days I always decorated. Which is weird, because my parents weren’t super into it when we were growing up. Maybe I’m trying to recapture an incomplete childhood…?

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  22. Sigh. The thought of decorating makes me tired. I do it. Mostly. Some years more than others. Halloween has fallen further and further from my decorating mind. I’ll do Christmas this year (inside and out) because we’ve been out of state or country the last two years and I haven’t had the chance. Your place looks fabulous, by the way. You’ll have to report on your trick-or-treater numbers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s right, you’ve been traveling the past two Christmases. You really need to Griswold it up this year to make up for that!

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      1. What say I just watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation instead?

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      2. That won’t give you nearly the same sense of accomplishment!

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      3. Nor will it give me hours and hours of loathsome “undecorating.”
        On another note, on Friday I took delivery of our new cornhole set! You are genuinely the inspiration for that. Your post got me thinking about how we’re hosting several people from England next summer for – wait for it – two weeks (!), including the husband’s young niece and nephew, and I thought cornhole could be a weapon in my “Keep the kids busy” arsenal. I stink at it, but I’ve played a couple of times now and already feel myself improving. So . . . thank you, Mark!

        Liked by 1 person

      4. You’re welcome! Honestly, it’s pretty fun, even if I bitch about playing my dad all the time (only because he’s so good at it). My goal is to play more by myself, and with Tara, to get better at it.

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      5. I’ve been out there practicing every day since Friday. The husband says I look like a loser playing all by myself, but I’ll be laughing all the way to my next win.

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  23. Tara is officially drunk on the Decorating Koolaid! It looks great; I especially love the flamingos!

    Still laughing at her & the ex not putting up a St. Patricks Day tree. Heathens.


  24. We don’t really do Halloween in the UK. A couple of years when my daughter was younger and we lived in a road where we knew people, I would push the boat out decorating the porch. But since living in an apartment building, there’s no visitors and no-one else decorating. I’m quite tempted to do a little autumnal arrangement on the patio one year.

    But Christmas – that I have always gone big on. I even had a 6ft tree in my 1-bed apartment! I still do it, if less big than before, as Himself gets twitchy around so many expensive breakables.

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    1. No Halloween in the UK? Is trick-or-treating not a thing there?

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      1. It’s not a big thing, no. There are areas where people participate, and the shops do now have a (smallish) section for Halloween themed decorations, but it’s still very subdued in comparison with the US. That said, I know people over here who absolutely LOVE it and go all in, but they’re in the minority.

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  25. That sounds like a Miami forecast and it’s ALWAYS correct.


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