The camaraderie with friends this past weekend was nice. We caught an amazing sunset Friday night. Enjoyed some great food and tasty beverages. Soaked our cares away in a hot tub. But the best part about our weekend getaway to Ocean Park, Washington?

I found Snap-E-Tom in a local grocery store and picked up a few cans!


OK, “a few” might be an understatement. I think 39 is a perfectly reasonable number considering this stuff is harder to find than a Muslin woman wearing a Trump 2016 button. You might remember my obsession with this product; it dates back to last summer in Park City, when I picked up a can in a grocery store on a whim. One sip and I was hooked. Unfortunately, I didn’t take that sip until after we’d gotten back home; otherwise I’d have loaded up the trunk in Utah ’cause, as great as Portland is, they are not a Snap-E-Tom-friendly town. And yet, there’s Pabst Blue Ribbon up the wazoo. Further proof that injustice runs rampant in the world.

We were able to find Snap-E-Tom in Ely over New Year’s, but Ridley’s only had 13 cans on the shelf. Naturally, I bought them all, but have been hoarding them like crazy ever since [see: Muslim woman, PBR, injustice].

What’s so great about Snap-E-Tom, you might be wondering. It’s sort of like V-8, right? And that shit’s a dime a dozen. Well, yes, it is sort of like V-8…only a bajillion times better. Must be all the sodium. It’s got a great little kick, too. I heart the stuff [but you already knew that].

Fast-forward to this weekend. We rented a beach house in Ocean Park, Washington because we had friends visiting from Sacramento (hello there, Heidi and Ross!) and Oregon (yo, Chris!) and wanted to take them to the Astoria Wine, Seafood & Crab Festival. [It might actually be the Seafood, Wine & Crab Fest. Or the Crab, Seafood & Wine Fest. Or the Wine, Crab & Seafood Fest. I’m unclear on the exact order of things. Considering all the fermented grape juice vendors there, it might actually be the Wine, Wine & Wine Fest. I’d Google it but I’m feeling lazy.] In any case, we were having a grand ol’ time. The house we rented was a beautiful remodeled older place with hardwood floors, a spacious kitchen and dining room, and a hot tub. Score! We spent a good number of hours drinking, eating, listening to music, laughing, and swapping stories. Caught a magnificent sunset Friday evening. Did the whatever-it’s-called-Festival Saturday. That evening, after a dinner of braised short ribs that were to die for (Ross: recipe? Please?), Tara ran out of beer, so I walked to the local Thriftway to grab her some more. And decided, what the hell, they won’t have it, but I might as well check the beverage aisle on the off chance that this small barely-a-bend-in-the-road coastal Washington town might sell Snap-E-Tom.

Imagine my surprise when I found the stuff on the shelf. I’m embarrassed to admit this, guys, but I actually squealed. Might have uttered something like “sweet baby Jesus!” too, drawing stares from the other late-night shoppers. I didn’t even have a cart because I was just there for a six-pack of Bud Light, but I grabbed every can I could find, piled them in my arms, and made my way to the checkout stand.

“You sell Snap-E-Tom!” I said to the cashier, my voice positively oozing excitement.

“Yeah,” she replied, oddly not sharing in my jubilation.

“You don’t understand,” I continued. “This stuff is impossible to find back home!”

“Great. Paper or plastic?”

Some people just don’t appreciate their own good fortune. I staggered back to the house (all those cans of Snap-E-Tom were heavy!) and burst through the door. “You’ll never believe what I found!” I told our guests. Heidi, Ross, and Chris were about as enthused as the Thriftway cashier, but Tara at least recognized the momentousness of the occasion. She squealed, too.

And now we can stop hoarding Snap-E-Tom, because next time we are running low, I know where we can find more!

It’s just a short 5-hour round trip away…


9 responses to “Make it Snap-E!”

  1. As much as I love tomatoes and tomato sauce, I just can’t drink tomato juice. But I appreciate your enthusiasm!


    1. You’re missing out, my friend! But I get it. I’d hate to drink watermelon juice myself.


  2. Mark, what a GREAT photograph of you holding all those Snap-E-Tom cans!!! How the hell did you ever do that? It’s priceless! It’s kinda how I was when I moved from Philly to Florida and could no longer find the brand Tastykake because Florida doesn’t have any in their stores. So when I finally moved back east, I went bonkers when I found them again and bought almost everyone in the grocery store!

    Sounds like you had a VERY enjoyable weekend, buddy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I know ALL about Tastykake, Ron! My parents grew up in Trenton and used to bring home boxes and boxes. They’re hard to find out here (but not impossible). What are your favorites? I was always a Butterscotch Krimpet guy! But the Chocolate Juniors are awfully good, too…


  3. I have to second Ron’s comment. How in the world did you manage to hold all those cans? Or was it one of those photographic tricks and we are only led to believe you held them all when in reality they were in process of sliding through your hands and crashing to the floor as the camera shutter closed?

    I am much the same way with Zevia, which is a type of cola sweetened with stevia. I don’t particularly like cola in general – something about the bubbles, but in this case I make the exception and have ordered cases directly from the manufacturer. Luckily for me (and my delivery person), our nearest grocery store was kind and recently started stocking it.


    1. Heidi had to hand the cans to me, one by one, stacking them on top of one another until I couldn’t fit any more. Pretty well staged if I do say so myself!

      Ironically, we have a can of Zevia sitting in the pantry. Neither of us has tried it yet, but we’re going to have to bust that sucker open after reading about your fondness for it!


  4. I can understand your enthusiasm over Snap-E Tom. Way back in the olden days, there used to be a drink called Squirt – sold in glass bottles with little bits of stuff floating in the bottom. It was the best! It finally disappeared in the U.S. & the only place we could find it was in Baja. Every trip we took down to San Felipe we would load up our trunk with the stuff.


    1. They still sell Squirt here! You’re talking about the grapefruit soda, right? Tara will buy it on occasion. Good stuff!


  5. Can’t find RC cola on shelves any more.


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