I’ve been listening to CDs a lot lately. Given my love for DVDs, this probably isn’t a total shock; I’m all about the physical media, baby!

But I don’t love CDs. Digital recordings may have a wider dynamic range than analog, but they sound cold and sterile. Like walking down a hospital corridor three minutes past midnight. You can’t beat the warm crackle and hiss of vinyl, my one true love.

(Not counting Tara and lava lamps and Bloody Marys, of course.)

Plus, playing a record is an immersive experience. You lift the needle, place it on the groove, watch it spin ’round and ’round. You become a de facto member of the band, the fifth Beatle if you will, only minus the groupies and drugs. You just don’t feel the same connection placing a shiny silver disc on a plastic tray and pressing a button.

Now that I’ve dissed CDs, I guess I’ll have to explain why I’m listening to them so much these days. I’m a conundrum is too simple an explanation.

A few years ago, in an effort to downsize – even though we had no idea we’d be moving again soon – Tara and I got rid of 90% of our CDs. This was a collection that numbered well into the hundreds. Even worse, we unceremoniously tossed them in the trash, a decision I soon came to regret. The albums we cared about most we had on vinyl, and pretty much everything else is available on Spotify. (Yes, I stream. This is actually the most common way I listen to music, so don’t you okay, boomer me!)

Luckily, the CDs I did hang onto, other than a few absolute faves, were custom mix CDs. Those cannot be duplicated on vinyl or Spotify or anywhere else…and they’re what I’m listening to lately. On a cheap TechPlay 3-in-1 console system in the basement next to my desk.

I made a lot of mix CDs back in the day. I’d even print up cool labels with rock ‘n roll graphics and give them names, some more creative than others (there are at least seven volumes of “Mark’s Mix”). Some of them were themed, like “Deja Vu” (cover songs) and “Geography Lessons” (Counting Crows “Omaha,” Sufjan Stevens’”Chicago,” etc.) I even have a “Dark Clouds & Stormy Skies” bad weather mix CD with songs like “Lightning” (REO Speedwagon), “Tornadoes” (Drive-By Truckers), and “Blizzard of ’77” (Nada Surf).

Welp, I have officially outed myself as a huge nerd, I guess.

Because most CDs only hold 19 songs at most, you really had to put a lot of effort into making these mixes. I have Spotify playlists with 500+ songs and they don’t feel anywhere near as intimate, you know?

In any case, listening to these CDs makes for one hell of a nostalgia trip down memory lane. I’ve even rediscovered a bunch of songs that once had heavy rotation but had since faded from my memory. They’re mostly indie and alternative rock from 2004 – 2012(ish), a very turbulent time in my life. There was a divorce and unemployment, but there was also Tara and a published novel. Like the CDs themselves, life was a real mix. Despite more lows than highs during this period, the music is, was, and always will be awesome.

And that’s what really counts, right?

How do you listen to music? Do you still own CDs? Did you ever make mix CDs (or tapes)?

56 responses to “Digital blasts from the turbulent past.”

  1. I was never a fan of CDs. But we burnt a lot of them. It was fun! I got rid of them but I still do have some cassettes.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m all about going retro, but I just can’t get into cassettes. Rewinding and fast-forwarding are just too much work!


  2. I listen to music through my phone and Apple Music. I should go through my CDs and get rid of the ones I don’t want. I definitely need to jettison my cassette tapes.

    OK, Boomer indeed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! My dad recently found a box of old cassettes and asked if I wanted them. That was a hard pass from me.


  3. Always the physical media: books, music, movies for me! I love the packaging, the fact that I OWN it, and the lack of dependence on subscription or internet connection. What a crock all that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Totally agree! There are a few songs on these CDs that aren’t available on streaming or, in one case, even YouTube. That’s reason enough to hang onto them!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I own cds for any music I want to listen to. But I’ve ripped and sorted them and now I stick a multi gig thumb drive into my bluray play and let it play randomly.
    Enya and Amethystium have the spots of honor though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a huge Enya fan (you might have noticed one of her CDs in my pic).

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  5. I went through every phase, records, tapes, cd’s, back to collecting records (only to have each shitty record player of 4 die on us), to buying music through amazon moving it to google music only to have google music..say screwvyou pal, now i have over 2000 songs in playlists in YouTube music and I exclusively listen to various shows on BBC Radio

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The thing with record players is, you really do get what you pay for. And you end up paying a lot for quality.

      I spent so much on iTunes downloads it’s ridiculous…

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    2. 2,000 songs: wow! Idk that I could even name 2,000 songs! Clearly you and Mark have eclectic song collections (thanks for the photo showing it, Mark!)

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah i like a hell of a lot of different kinds of music..have posted a sampling of it now and again on my blog 😅

        Liked by 1 person

      2. My bad its actually 3451 songs 🤣

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      3. Oh!!! In that case, np 🤪 On a slightly more serious note, I’m going to summon my inner Charlie Brown and say: Good grief! Idk that I could name 3,451 songs, movies, and tv shows combined … My 🎩 is off to you, sir!

        Liked by 2 people

      4. Don’t get me started on movies. I used to belong to lettrboxed and by previous obsessive count I saw upwards of 10,000 in my lifetime (that includes going to the movies, movies on tv as a kid/teen in the 70’s-80’s, VHS & DVD rentals, Prism & HBO in the 80’s, Streaming via Disney+, Hulu,YouTube

        Liked by 1 person

      5. You KNOW I now want to get you started on movies. Very much so 😀

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Fyi i have a multi part post coming up soon that notes some of my favorite films from the 1970s to present day

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  6. I still have Cd’s but my tastes have radically changed over the years, that most of em..i just don’t care to listen to

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That was the problem with quite a few of mine too.

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      1. Yeah cheap means crap…if i was a serious record collector then maybe..but we rarely listened to em when i had em

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  7. Almost always Spotify now. I used to have an ipod- the mini version… (Shuffle, I had to google the name) that I used during my treadmill in the closet days. I loved that thing. Alison made me about 6 mix CD’s years ago, all 70’s hits/classic rock/metal…favorites that I grew up with as a teen. The only place I can play them now is in my car and I always forget I have them. Speaking of okay Boomer- I can remember being totally taken around 10-11 yrs old when I began babysitting my nephew and had the opportunity to play 8-tracks from my sisters (12 years older than me) collection 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved my iPod Touch so much! I still have it. The cord is frayed and it hasn’t been charged up in years, but I’m sure it still works. Hmm…may have to try firing that up again soon!

      The one medium I never got into was 8-tracks.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aren’t you way too young to even know what an 8 track is? I thought I might have to explain them to you 😉

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      2. Ha! I’ve seen them. I even owned one of those fancy wooden turntable stands once that had a built-in 8-track player, but sadly, that did not work. Neither did the turntable after awhile…

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I had a toy robot called 2XL which was a glorified 8 track tape player in the late 70’s

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  8. I know nothing of these matters. Still waiting for President D Franklin Roosevelt to speak on my radio.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re going to be waiting a while longer. Fireside chats aren’t really a thing during the summer.

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  9. We live in a very small house. There’s no storage space, so almost everything is digital/ streaming: music, books, movies. The thing I miss most? Books. Sure, Kindles are easier to read in bed and hurt less when you drop them on your face, but I can no longer remember the titles of books because I don’t see them every time I pick up the book. And you can’t flip back and look at a map or check to make sure a character is a liar as easily.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love my Kindle too, but you do bring up a good point. I’m 10 days into a book that I’m really enjoying…but I couldn’t tell you the name of it at the moment.

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  10. I mostly listen to Sirius and Spotify because it’s easiest. My kids tried to throw out their CDs, but I confiscated them because someone might want their Backstreet Boys CD as nostalgia some day! Or Aaron Carter, may he RIP.

    We have a very modest collection of albums and CDs. My son loves vinyl and has many of ours. I did make mix tapes, but mostly I was taping entire albums off one of our stations, M105, that spun albums on Sunday nights, commercial free. Those were the days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would have killed for a commercial-free album radio station as a kid. It always drove me nuts whenever the DJ spoke over a song I was recording!


  11. I’m old. I started with vinyl, which I still have and love. There was a brief 8 track period.. oh, the horror! Then cassettes. I never truly jumped on the cd bandwagon and only had a small collection of new( at the time) releases. Today I have satellite radio in my car and the giant iPod with Bose speakers at home. I don’t stream, I prefer to pay once and be done with it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that you still play music through your iPod! I just commented above about how much I loved mine and miss it. I bet it still works, too.

      SiriusXM was a great investment for me. I only listen in my car (and only then when I’m not playing podcasts), but it’s so much better than any actual radio station.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love my iPod. And I have the big one that holds like 33,000 songs. I used to have a turntable that could convert vinyl to mp3 but it was so time consuming I gave up…

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      2. My dad had one of those. I burned one album, and that took me hours. Never again.

        Liked by 1 person

  12. I do still watch and check out DVD’s from the library and I do have my favorites CDs, which I kept some got rid of a lot like you, but I even asked for a CD player when I bought my Subaru probably the only one in United States.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My Kona is the first vehicle I’ve owned that hasn’t had a CD player.

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    2. My Subaru is a 2013. Doubles as my CD player as well Beth!.

      Liked by 2 people

  13. We just got rid of our CDs. It was hard to do, harder than I thought it would be. I can relate to your mix CDs though. When we were dating, my wife made mixed tapes. The sound over time really deteriorated but I would love to have those tapes now. 🤣🤣😎😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tara and I exchanged a lot of mix CDs during our courtship, too…and at least there’s no digital degradation. I’ve been listening to some of those too!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I culled my CD’s down from 500-600 (or so) to 150 +/- . . . I listen to them sometimes. But not all day every day. I also listen to music via the radio in the car. I listen to specific songs via youtube at the computer. And I listen to music channels on the TV ~ Classic Rock, 70’s Rock, Soundscapes (quiet and peaceful).

    Music Rocks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Music is such an integral part of my life, I couldn’t live without it. I didn’t even mention that we’re going to Summerfest in Milwaukee today (but you can bet there will be a blog recap).


  15. We accumulated quite a bit of vinyl as others downsized and added to our collection. A few years ago, we dumped it all. But we still have all our CDs which we play often (on a very old SONY LBT-D390) when we are in the kitchen/family room area.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You got rid of all your vinyl? Say it ain’t so!

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      1. As we we race through the backside of our 70’s, we had to start somewhere in our downsizing, And we gave a thrill to someone(s) shopping at our local Thrift store.

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  16. Good grief, you are a talented creative. “Like walking down a hospital corridor three minutes past midnight. ” is my favorite sentence of this post. And I love your mix titles. Geography Lessons tops my list for both name and content. So good, Mark! Have a great weekend – hope there’s no “bad weather” except on your TechPlay.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you, my friend! The weather should be nice this weekend for a change, which is great considering we’re spending most of the day at an outdoor music festival. The 4th of July, though? Looking iffy at this point.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Enjoy the music festival and may your 4th be fantastic regardless of weather!

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  17. We sold all our CDs during one of our “let’s get rid of stuff” phases. Haven’t missed them, other than I liked how pretty they looked on the shelf. But the reality was we had a cantankerous CD player and we rarely listened to any of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. At least you got money for yours and they went to a good home! I really regret just trashing ours.


  18. I did enjoy making mixed TAPES, not CDs. (Okay Boomer to me?) I’m certain I never had any names as creative as geography lessons and the weather thing. Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t get me wrong, I made mix tapes, too. But they were much more labor-intensive…and obviously, I no longer have any of those.

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  19. I got rid of our CD’s many years ago. However, I kept my oldest daughter’s CD collection in her keepsake bin in our basement! She was thrilled that we still had it. ❤️

    My dad used to get his music from Apple through ITunes. I believe he was doing this until his death. I didn’t realize you could still get music that way! (I have Apple Music)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I suppose if I had an iPhone, I could still access my iTunes library. Maybe? But I’m Team Android so it’s a moot point anyway.

      Luckily, my parents hung onto my modest record collection from childhood. I was able to reclaim those once I got back into vinyl


  20. I love that you have so many specific playlists, and why not?

    We generally listen to music via our Sonos system and Amazon streaming is what I’ve subscribed to this past year.

    Didn’t it hurt you tossing all those CD’s? You think we can donate them? I’m in this conundrum as we are going to be moving from The Big House very soon and we have hundreds of CD’s and DVD’s, which I just don’t use any longer. *sigh*


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