I’m happy to report that, one week later, no squirrel has managed to gain access to the Bird Buddy.

Not for a lack of trying. The little bastards climbed the pole and chewed halfway through the plastic on the bottom of the baffle, leaving it dangling precariously. Another day or two, and they would have breached the perimeter.

Today, armored reinforcements were called in. Try chewing through metal, assholes!

They may be stubborn, but I’m stubborner. I will win the war…mark my words.

This pair, on the other hand, is always welcome. They’ve been showing up on a daily basis, and the male likes to feed the female. Turns out this is cardinal courtship behavior. It’s pretty freakin’ adorable if you ask me.

Cardinals love the feeder. We also get a lot of brown cowbirds, rose-breasted grosbeaks, and sparrows. It’ll be interesting to see the migration of species as the seasons change. Robins, finches, and orioles flock to our yard too, but they prefer the feeders on the deck (thistle for the finches, grape jelly and oranges for the orioles), or – in the case of robins – worms yanked from the ground.

If I’m ever reincarnated as a bird, I’m hoping it’s an oriole. Just sayin’.

Tara’s sister Maggie came up for a quick visit this week. Real quick, as in, barely 48 hours. Tara put her to work in the garden, which is fantastic, because it means less time that I have to spend in the garden.

Not that I’m opposed to helping out. I have been supplying the muscle, and ended up paying for it when I developed numbness, tingling, and pain in my right hand (worse at night). Classic symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I’d noticed this on occasion every so often, but never this intense and prolonged. I’d always associated CTS with keyboard use, but it turns out manual labor is a bigger trigger. With all the digging, shoveling, weeding, and wheelbarrow-pushing I’ve been doing, its onset is no surprise. I bought a brace/splint I’ve been wearing the past two nights, and that has helped quite a bit. Thankfully, there’s just one more raised bed to complete this weekend, and then I can quit moving shit.

Last night after dark, Tara and Maggie were on our deck, and they called me over excitedly. Our fireflies are back! I’d been on the lookout for a few days, as they showed up about the same time last year. We stood out there quite a while watching them. Maggie lives in Las Vegas, where the only lights that blink after dark are neon. Lightning bugs are a novelty for her.

Kind of a novelty for me too, honestly. I will never get tired of seeing them.

I worked through my lunch today so I could log off a little early and join Tara and Maggie at the American Legion on the Rock River. The very swollen and flooding-in-places Rock River.

That’s what nearly 5″ of rain in the first five days of the month will do. It’s been a very wet spring, in complete contrast to last year, which has resulted in a lot of flooded fields. I walked through my local park earlier this week and that proved to be a wet mistake. The trails were flooded, even the wooded ones. Took my hiking shoes a couple of days to dry out.

Anyhoo. Before Maggie left, she wanted an authentic Wisconsin Friday fish fry. And cheese curds, of course. So, we took her to Brock’s River Walk Tavern & Grill for both. It’s our go-to for first-time Sconnie visitors and never disappoints.

I’m now parked on the deck awaiting the arrival of the fireflies while Tara drives her sister to the Milwaukee airport.

Back to work in the garden tomorrow!

54 responses to “Mark 1, Squirrels 1/2”

  1. Wow, if that is how your wife treats family, I can only imagine how she treats strangers who walk up to your place and ask for lodging for the weekend 😉

    And go you! The War Is Real!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She hands those folks a bucket and mop and tells them to get busy!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. the lengths you will go to, to get out of work, amazing! hope your hand is better soon, though. and the squirrels around you must be a super race, dinosaur ancestors, no doubt!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The thing is, I’m so stubborn, I’m going to work through it anyway. I just want that big pile of dirt in the driveway gone!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. you need to get a gang of 4 and 5 year olds with buckets. they have moved everything possible on our playground and one said he had ‘re-landscaped’ the whole thing and they had. they love to have work and move stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Well, send ’em on over!

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  3. I saw my first fireflies last night, and they were glorious! You take care of your hand – isn’t there a local teenager you can ask to put in the last raised bed?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Shelly. I’m sure I’ll be able to manage this one last bed. Of course, it’s supposed to rain today…


  4. Seems as if your squirrels have totally forgotten that they live in a forest with all sorts of squirrel food just waiting for them to find it. They learn quickly don’t they where the easy targets are. Now you’ll have squirrels with huge dental bills just waiting to drop from the trees in attack mode 😉
    Take care of the hand-

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right; with all those trees out there, I’m sure there’s no shortage of food for them. I swear, they do this just to antagonize people.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Their entire goal in life is to aggravate you Mark 🙂


      2. I like this image. The squirrely antics are purely to mess with us!


  5. I always thought carpal tunnel was from repetitive keyboard use, so I learned something new. I think lightning bugs (fireflies) are magical since we don’t have them here; however, one got trapped in our car once when we were traveling in Pennsylvania with a group of teenage gymnasts. There was a LOT of screaming. Apparently, in the harsh light of day, they are not one bit pretty.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I’ve never thought fireflies looked particularly ferocious, even in daylight. Kinda cute actually. But I guess if you’ve never seen one…

      I’m sure being a writer, keyboard use is one factor. But manual labor definitely worsened things.


  6. I miss fireflies, you hardly ever see them here… and if you do it’s only a handful not the full out spectacle they were when I was young.
    Kudos to Tara for putting house guests to work. I need to try that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, you can always put your husband to work. Hell, he puts himself to work!

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  7. It’s a war of attrition with the squirrels! Stay strong. And keep up the good fight. Ha ha, good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Marching into battle with them is not for the faint of heart, but I shall persevere!

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  8. So much summering in this post! Those damn squirrels 🤣🤣🤣 I cannot believe them chewing something that thick!

    I’m glad the brace/splint is working. I’ve also had good luck with it for my thumb arthritis.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All that’s missing is a picnic and an ice cream cone!

      That plastic is really thick, so I was surprised, too. They did a pretty good number on it. But why anyone would make (or buy…lesson learned!) a plastic baffle is beyond me.


  9. Those metal baffles really work. We have had one for years and the squirrels are still trying to figure out how to get around it. They have not succeeded yet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The fact that they’re still trying speaks volumes.


    2. We were once talking to one of our neighbors about squirrels (ok, he was complaining about 🐿️) and what I remember is he said “Squirrels are just rats with good PR.” 🤣

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! That’s a great way to put it.


  10. I used to handle Worker’s Comp claims, including CTS. Any kind of repetitive use of the wrist can cause CTS (and other forms of tendonitis) ~> cutting up chickens in a processing plant, cutting hair, video games, keyboards, playing guitar, moving mountains of mulch, hammering, sawing, etc.

    Braces and splints help, but you might also try ice and ibuprofen to reduce the inflammation which causes the carpal TUNNEL to become crowded with too much stuff. When the inflammation is reduced, the congesting lessens, and the pain dissipates.

    Good Luck.

    And thanks for the idea of using family guests as farm laborers who work for peanuts (meals and lodging).

    Now . . . figure out how you can put those squirrels to work for actual peanuts. With their tenacity and acrobatic skills, they have untapped potential for all manner of yard and garden projects.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s good advice; thank you. Ibuprofen did help. I didn’t use the brace last night and I was fine, so things seem to be on the mend. Just gotta get through one final round of repetitive labor and I’ll be golden!

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  11. Ibuprofen is my miracle drug. Highly recommend, along with the ice, because reader Nrhatch is right. If it upsets your GI tract, there is a topical version you can rub on if you get a prescription. Next up for a manual laborer? Tennis elbow! The garden looks great and I am always envious of the fireflies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ibuprofen does help, and I’m okay swallowing a pill. I’d better not get tennis elbow. I don’t even own a racket!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha, tennis elbow usually comes without a racket, according to the doctors who diagnose it. (But maybe that’s their racket?)


  12. I’m enjoying the bird cam….though the squirrels have a certain appeal

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Honestly, the chipmunks are much cuter…and they never go after the bird seed. Go figure!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s funny with chipmunks as per hibernation. I don’t see them till late spring and they’re done by early fall. Their feeding habits must be different

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I never knew chipmunks existed outside of forests until moving here. I always associated them with camping and hiking.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I only see them at the botanical gardens. Nevervanywhere else in nyc


  13. …”breached the perimeter”….LOL…I love your war games with nature! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. War is the perfect analogy in this case.


  14. Ah, fighting the good fight, Mark. Those squirrels don’t know who they are messing with!

    I love, “Maggie lives in Las Vegas, where the only lights that blink after dark are neon. ” Hilarious! So glad fireflies showed up during her short trip. Now that’s cool!

    Hope you finish the raised bed and are enjoying some rest! Take care of those hands – we can’t have them too sore or tired to write great posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re too kind. Even amputation wouldn’t stop me from writing, though. I’d just have to learn to use my feet instead. Or get one of those fancy speech-to-text gizmos.

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  15. Our fireflies don’t show up here until later in the summertime, but when they do they always put on a fine light show. We’ll take some of that rain off your hands, and here’s hoping that CTS flare-up on your hand calms down after the manual labor calms down.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’ll take the fireflies a little bit to really get going, but this is a nice start!

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  16. Birds feeding each other is amazing. So great that you get that wonderful video. Love the antics with the squirrels. And the swears. I admit the swears make me smile. Nice you had someone else to help with the garden. I’m only a fan of the harvesting portion of the gardening experience. You certainly get good eats out there. I’m not sure I’ve ever tried cheese curds. :/ Must amend that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember you saying how much you like the swears. Maybe I’m subconsciously doing it more just so I can entertain you!

      All cheese curds are good. But fried cheese curds dipped in ranch is the best way to go!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Everything fried and dipped in ranch is the way to go. Even swear words.

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  17. Sadly, we don’t have fireflies here. The only time I’ve seen them was when traveling to the Midwest or East during the summer. We did see cicadas on our recent trip though. They aren’t nearly as magical is fireflies, but they sure are noisy little buggers.

    I hope your raised bed has risen successfully this weekend and will be producing vegetables soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We seem to have escaped the cicada brood here. We had some last fall, but just your garden variety cicadas, and they weren’t around long. I’m okay with that.


  18. We noticed some serious tooth marks to the metal arms of our patio furniture the other day. I know squirrels have to chew a lot to keep their teeth whittled down, but scraping them along metal can’t be pleasant (or maybe it feels awesome – who knows?). Good idea to put her sister to work. I’m having 2 adults and 2 kids visit us for 2 weeks in August. I’m already having some sinister ideas about how they can help. 😉

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    1. Just be sure to throw in some cornhole/bags to keep them happy. All work and no play, yadda yadda, you know the routine!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. They’re the whole reason we bought a cornhole set to begin with, so definitely!

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  19. Manual labor is a bigger trigger for carpal tunnel syndrome! I didn’t know this but it does kind of explain a few of my wrist twinges. Squirrels find more inventive ways to annoy humans. I know they’re cute and all, but…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. They’re a lot less cute when you’re chasing them away from bird feeders. There was one time, years ago, that I was able to get one to eat out of my hand though. That almost gave me a change of heart about them.

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  20. I love that picture of Tara and her sister. ❤️

    I also love that picture of the platter of fish and fries. ❤️

    The squirrels are winning here. They’re inviting friends and family to our feeder.


  21. Well, you can’t say squirrels aren’t fastidious little bastards, can you?

    I love seeing the cardinals feeding each other, they’re so sweet!

    It’s so great when family visits and they actually help you instead of hinder your time. Seeing fireflies is always a bonus!


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