Tropical fish have been a hobby of mine since I was a teenager, and I’ve had aquariums pretty much nonstop my entire adult life, minus a few stretches when I was living in apartments. Even then, I still had a goldfish bowl or two.

When I was 17, I ducked into a tropical fish store one day to inquire about a Help Wanted sign posted in the window. The owner walked me around the displays, stopping every now and then to quiz me. He peppered me with questions like, Which of these platys is male? and What is the correct temperature range for tropical fish? and Can this cichlid coexist peacefully with that angelfish? I aced the test and got the job, while most of my friends had to make do slinging burgers at fast-food joints. As far as first jobs go, mine was pretty rad.

(The one with the pointy rear fin, 75° – 80°, not unless you want a massacre on your hands.)

I’ve also had cats most of my adult life. They’ve always coexisted peacefully with the fish…until Shirley came along. Her favorite pastime is jumping up next to the tank, staring the fish down, and trying to catch them by swatting at the plexiglass. When she’s really determined, we can hear her claws clicking against the tank from a room or two away.

Apparently, she really likes sushi.

The fish, for their part, don’t seem too bothered. How is this even possible?! If I glanced out the living room window and saw a giant with his nose pressed against the glass, a hungry look on his face, beating furiously against the windows with his hands, I would shit my pants. There’s no way to put it delicately.

I know the fish can see through the aquarium just fine, because they make a beeline for the surface, swimming around excitedly whenever I approach to feed them. Maybe experience has taught them that Shirley will never, ever be able to reach them through the plexiglass.

(Oh, and yes, that is a flamingo in the tank. And a whiskey barrel. Guess I furnished the aquarium as if I were living there.)

Though Shirley has never caught a damn thing, I admire her perseverance. She’s got a can-do attitude I find admirable. Or maybe she’s just stubborn? Like father, like cat daughter, I s’pose.

Wondering what Laverne is up to when Shirley’s gone fishin’?

That’s right: lolling around on the dining room floor next to the aquarium, looking for belly rubs. She has never even so much as glanced at the fish.

Oh, Laverne. Dear, sweet Laverne. There’s only one tiger in this house, and eenie, meenie, miney, moe, you are not it.

43 responses to “On the hunt for good sushi.”

  1. #lavernenotstrongbutcool

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  2. They seem to be misnamed I think. Wasn’t Laverne known for being the rather pushy determined one and Shirley the more meek and laid back? Someone needs to set them straight on personifying their namesakes more accurately 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That was my impression too, but in re-watching it, Shirley’s got plenty of sass herself!

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  3. Love this! It’s kitty tv, as long as she doesn’t realize how to fish from the top of the tank. Great pics..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s my fear, too. And yes, she has gotten up on her hind legs a few times, but the lid fits pretty solidly into place. Other than a small hole for the heater, there’s not much trouble she can get into up there.

      Knock on wood.

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  4. My niece had a fish named Poutine who got a tumour outside of her head which grew like a goiter to the same size as the fish.

    Poutine died last week. Not sure if the tumour-goiter exploded or what but Poutine is now more aptly called Sushi. 😵‍💫🤢🥴

    Those are cute pictures of the cats! 😻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Poutine is a fabulous pet name (I know a dog named Praline). Now though I can’t stop imagining that possible explosion.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Ew, right. Lol
        Poor poutine.


    2. That’s actually not all that unusual, especially in some breeds of goldfish. RIP, Poutine! (I love the name, too. How perfectly Canadian.)

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  5. 🦩 You really are an Airstreamer at heart, aren’t you?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Without a doubt! I think I told you my grandparents had one briefly? I always thought it was the coolest thing.


      1. You did tell me, but in all the fun things I’ve learned about you since I started reading your blog, I’d forgotten that one. You have the cool down as you are.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. When we had the cats we had an aquarium and one would watch it like TV, the other ignored it. Maybe all cat duos divide the work like this, one is on aquarium duty, the other is on spotting birds out the window duty?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That could very well be, as right this moment Laverne is staring down a squirrel through the sliding glass door, while Shirley is somewhere upstairs. Probably watching said fish.

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  7. Have you seen the aquariums with the plexiglass bubble/ square in the bottom middle of the tank? Designed so that a cat can pop their head up and enjoy Fish TV 360? I think it’s on Shirley’s Christmas list. Also, until Shirley catches at least one fly, the Tiger moniker should be withheld.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No, I have not…sounds like a great concept, though it would be a bitch to clean.

      The cats did finally catch a fly or two, though they have very little interest in disposing of the stinkbugs that reside in our house. They’ll bat them around a little, but that’s all. Could be that they tried eating one once, and quickly learned where the name came from.

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  8. This is absolutely adorable. I could spend the entire day watching Shirley. So I guess I’m Shirley in the human equivalent of a cat watching a fish tank.

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  9. I love your photos of Shirley terrorizing your fish. My cat Olive spends her day swatting at mourning doves and quail who peck at her through the window.

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    1. Those are some pretty brave quail!

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      1. The windows have a reflective coating, so I think the quail are pecking at themselves and don’t see Olive.

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  10. That’s a really inviting looking aquarium! We had an octogon shaped (tall) one for many years for our kids. Mostly zebra somethings and neon tetras. That sounds like a really fun first job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love those octagonal aquariums. They’re a great conversation piece and generally don’t take up much room.


  11. Isn’t it fun seeing the similarities and differences when you have two cats (or any animal, I presume)? Lately, Mango has been exhibiting several new behaviors that previously were the sole purview (or should I say purrrrview) of Cheddar.

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    1. Well done, lol. After having just one cat for so many years, it’s a treat to see how these two interact, and how different they both are.

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      1. I just saw the most fabulous coffee mug and thought of you instantly: It had Laverne and Shirley on it and it said “schlemiel, schlimazel.”

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  12. I didn’t know that you were a tropical fish aficionado. (aFishOnAdo 😳) How cool. I do love the Flamingo in their tank…very cute.
    Just like people cats have their own personalities and likes; I’d be more like Laverne looking for a free massage whenever I can get it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve tried lying down on the floor spread-eagled like she does, but Tara just steps over me instead of giving me a massage, so I just end up feeling kinda foolish.

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  13. Laverne and Shirley are gorgeous girls. My son and DIL’s cats take after Laverne – they totally ignore the aquarium.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I figured she’d grow tired after a few days. Nope. She hasn’t left those poor fish alone a single day since we got her (except when we had pumpkins on the stand for Halloween and she couldn’t get up there).

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  14. I agree with Shirley. That’s a nice tank. (Just in case you were fishing for a compliment…)

    I had a saltwater tank for years, corals and all. It was nice, but the cleaning and water changes got old. I got rid of it a few years ago and don’t miss it. My cats were cats – indifferent. But then they didn’t have a good place to sit and peer in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was angling for one, yes. Thank you for taking the bait.

      I also had a saltwater setup when I was working at the tropical fish store. My employee discount helped a lot, but you’re right: the daily upkeep just got to be too much. Plus, even in the late ’80s, some of those saltwater fish cost upwards of $50. I couldn’t afford that. Eventually I downsized to budget saltwater fish (damsels), but even they were causing me distress. Nowadays, I stick to tetras and zebras and easy-to-care-for (read: CHEAP) fish!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Shirley, your cat would be the one to take the bait. (These jokes bite. 🙄)

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      2. And yet, we keep trotting them out anyway!

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  15. Those are great pics of Shirley with the tank. One would think it would be unnerving but with all the great entertainment you have for them in the tank, perhaps they just think she’s a slightly bigger flamingo?

    And the first job story – that’s a good one!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha…I should dress her in a pink sweater to put their minds at ease!

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  16. My Mum had a thing for tropical fish at one point in our lives, and has always had a thing for cats – Siamese in particular. When they co-habited, the Siamese did watch intently and always appeared to hope that tank cleaning time meant some little fishy tit-bit was coming her way.

    My cats have only ever been interested in rodents, frogs and birds but my boss has a hard time keeping the neighbourhood cats away from his koi carp.

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    1. I had a Siamese cat once. My favorites have been the calicos…not a breed, just a color, but for whatever reason, they seem to have a great temperament.

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      1. I’ve a thing for black cats, and a secondary soft spot for gingers. When I’m old enough to be a mad cat lady, I plan to have lots of both (don’t tell Himself!) 😉

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      2. I’ve had a bunch of black cats, too. Love ’em!

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  17. NOT what I was expecting, but it’s a matter of perspective!!


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