Something I never thought I’d say to a friend in 2023: “Hey, have you heard the new Beatles song?”

Something I never thought a friend would say to me in 2023: “Yeah, it’s really good!”

Say what you will about AI (and plenty of you have!), if it can clean up an otherwise unusable recording by separating John Lennon’s vocal track from the piano and other ambient noise, and thereby gift the world with one last Beatles song, it can’t be all bad.

That’s a hill I will die on.

Tara’s been talking about buying a new pickup truck for months. Actually, years. She was ready to pull the trigger way back in 2020, until COVID and supply chain issues happened.

Then, of course, we moved. She got a job. Then she got another job. Then we bought a house. Then she got another job (good hell, woman!) There was a goat fest and a sweet corn fest and an apple fest and a family reunion and a concert in Milwaukee. In other words, shit got busy.

There were a million excuses to push the truck purchase back, especially with insanely high interest rates…but then her pickup died in the middle of an intersection in August. Luckily it was just a faulty sensor, but the writing was on the wall. One day last month we piled into the truck to run errands, and as soon as she pulled out of the driveway, it started raining.

Inside the cab.

I was sitting in the passenger seat, wishing I’d had an umbrella. WTF?!

We never did figure out the source of that leak. Throw in bald tires that would’ve cost over $1K to replace and a weird rattling noise that began a few days ago, and we figured the time had come. So yesterday, we drove to a dealership in Watertown and ended up buying this bad boy.

Tara basically swapped Nissan Frontiers. Despite those recent issues, she had her original Frontier for nine mostly trouble-free years. This one is a 2022 model with 36,000 miles, so it’s a big step up from her 2010 pickup with 128,000 miles.

Just don’t ask us how much the monthly payments are. Geez Louise.

While at the dealership, I couldn’t help but have a little fun with the sales guy. Tara was talking about how knowledgeable her dad is when it comes to cars, so I conjured up some fake tears and concocted a story about how he met an untimely fate beneath the blades of a farm combine. Then, when the appraiser came in, I turned to Tara and said, “You did get all the bloodstains out of there from that incident with the hitchhiker, right?”

Why am I like this?!

(Rhetorical question. This is one of those universal mysteries that can’t be solved.)

I once dated a woman who swore off fast food because I mortified her every time we hit a drive-through. Luckily, Tara’s not as easily flummoxed. She mostly just rolls her eyes whenever I bust out these tall tales. I’ve tried to recruit her to be my partner in crime, but unfortunately, she can never keep a straight face.

One of these days she’ll come over to the dark side. Mark my words.

Who knew that a tossed-off paragraph about a fake washed-up football player named Woody Debris would resonate so wildly? The result of a typo, no less. Y’all have practically demanded more Woody.

I’m not one to ignore the will of the people. I’m actually working on a short story titled Woody Debris, All-American, which I’ll share when complete.

Shame about Woody’s father, dying in that freak farm combine accident…

51 responses to “Now and Then, AI Gets it Right”

  1. You die on your hill, I’ll die on mine. Posthumously released AI songs are not for me. It’s like Prince’s family digging into his vast archives to release songs he never wanted released. I love Lennon and the Beatles as much as anyone, but that’s a no for me.
    A definite yes to bloodstained questions at the car dealership though. That’s epic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Have you heard the song though?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I have. It’s alright, but that video?
        I find it quite creepy…

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      2. Oh, I haven’t even seen the video. Guess I’ll have to check it out!

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      3. It joined old clips of John and George and added present day Ringo and Paul so they’re all playing together again.
        Sorry. It’s creepy…

        Liked by 1 person

      4. When do you think AI will be able to come up with a song like “I Want to Hold Your Hand” (new and groundbreaking for its time)?

        Liked by 1 person

      5. I did it’s a decent track 50 years in the making. The difference between this and Prince Vault stuff is essentially music he never wanted released. This tune is more John Lennon solo demo from ’74 that the remaining Beatles played on. George in ’94 and Paul & Ringo in 2022.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. While his mother ate 400 triple cheeseburgers, 1 small onion rings and a diet coke to feed her grief.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Funny that she’d opt for a Diet Coke after all that.


      1. The debris are quite a strange family

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  3. It started raining…in the cab! LOL! And yes…I think I forgot to comment about Woody Debris. I loved that post and your silly new friend SO much. Cheers to the new wheels, btw! 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The weatherman was way off on his prediction that day!


  4. There was a famous playwright who once dug an old manuscript out of a drawer for a protege to read. When the protege finished, he couldn’t bring himself to tell the playwright how bad it was, but the playwright just nodded and said, “It’s terrible, right?” Then he threw it back in the drawer and said, “There it’s just unproduced and still has potential.” Or something like that. I think of it as Schrödinger’s play. Every artist has a Schrödinger’s play somewhere. Leave them in the drawers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I have no delusions that “Woody Debris, All-American” will be high art. Just a fun exercise to get the creative juices flowing!


      1. OMG, the comment was not about you! Or Woody (even though he’s not my type). I was referring to bringing out old music like that of the Beatles, LOL.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh, lol. I wasn’t offended either way! I totally get what you’re saying, too.

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      3. If your readers are clamoring for Woody, bring on Woody.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. No comment on the Beatles release as “gasp” I am not a huge Beatles person, although Paul was quite the looker. I am however a power truck person and Tara’s new ride says “out of my way b**ch” clearly and loudly. I would so love to own a big honking truck, even one of my dad’s old blue Fords that I learned to drive a stick shift in…there is such empowerment in driving a truck. CANNOT WAIT for more on Woody. Maybe Woody needs his own blog…hmmmm?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think the fact that Paul pushed so hard for this is reason enough to embrace it. Feels like a true gift to the fans (and hey, I totally get that not everyone likes the Beatles).

      Tara let me drive the truck halfway home, and I have to admit, it’s a lot more formidable than my lil’ Kona.

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      1. Formidable…yes, an excellent word 🙂

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  6. I like the beatles song too, especially since two beatles are involved with releasing it. Isn’t it amazing how far technology has come? I like the truck, always wanted one but it never came about. You can haul firewood!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what lends the song credibility to me: the fact that Paul and Ringo pushed so hard to get it done!


  7. Love the book title that is too wonderful to resist. Enjoy the truck!!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Here ya go . . . I think it’s cool that they carried the Now & Then moniker throughout the video to juxtapose Now and Then:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, thanks. That’s a real interesting concept!


  9. A hill to die on, mark my words, come over to the dark side – you have some great lines mixed in this post, Mark. It’s kinda like you got a vocal track, mixed it with some new stories and released it to the world. Very good!

    And that is a good looking truck. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I always thought it would be fun to play DJ!

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  10. Why does Tara drive a pick up truck? Just wondering! It’s not a common choice unless you guys haul crap a lot.

    Looking forward to more Woody! He’s got a lot of layers🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She loves pickups for their versatility. You’d be surprised how handy it’s been having one, whether to haul tons of gardening supplies, camping gear, or our kayaks. And of course, when we had our boat, the pickup was powerful enough to haul it with a tow hitch.


  11. “… come over to the dark side,” or come over to the MARK side? 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ooh, good one! I love it!

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  12. I listened to the new Beatles song and kind of went *meh* which I don’t suppose is what the producers were hoping for. It was trippy to hear them again, but also kind of underwhelming. Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood… or decade… to enjoy it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Well, it’s no “Norwegian Wood.” But I think it’s kinda nice hearing John’s voice two-plus decades into the 21st century, so yeah…maybe it’s more of a nostalgia thing.

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  13. First of all, I still can’t believe you went UP the hill and that you now reside there. 🫣

    Yay for Tara’s new truck!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, it was too steep to climb down comfortably. I’m stuck here now!

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  14. Tara’s new ride is awesome! Mike someday hopes to buy a pickup truck. I’d like to downsize. That time appears to be approaching quickly. Titty and Tara’s old trucks sound like they must be related.

    That Beatles song is really cool. It didn’t give me a chill, but it probably would if I had the right sound system. According to an article I read, they said The Beatles were all about improving technology, and that John Lennon would definitely be down with AI doing this if he were here. (I agree)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Part of the reason I like it so much is the fact that I’m 100% convinced John would have been on board. Nice little side note to his legacy!

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  15. I kinda like the song. The video is a bit jarring in spots – the old and new juxtaposition in the same frame gives me cognitive dissonance. Overall I’m ok with it, as long as it’s endorsed by Paul and Ringo and no one pretends it is real. It’s not like I’ve never edited a photo “artistically” and ended up with something a bit surreal – I’m not the one to throw rocks.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Just yesterday, I edited the crap out of an Instagram photo just for fun. I don’t normally do that, but I intentionally went over the top…and got a bunch of positive comments, ha. Go figure.

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      1. While I don’t spend much time on Instagram, I get the impression that the “standard” is super oversaturated colors. You’d almost get the impression that people think scenery looks like what they see on their oversaturated, very black blacks TV screen rather than what it really looks like. Go figure.

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      2. Depends on the photographer. A lot of people do have a tendency to make the colors as vibrant as possible. I mostly resist the urge; in fact, my super-edited photo was dark and moody.

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  16. “AI gets it right”? Not sure it strictly qualifies as AI constructed but in any case, the song is bland. Is it up there with “She Loves You”, “Ticket to Ride”, “Lucy in the sky with diamonds” – nope, worlds away… Reckon John must be turning in his grave!


    1. Actually, I reckon John is pleased as punch. This was his baby and he was all about embracing technology to improve audio. Of course it’s no “Norwegian Wood,” but a nice surprise gift to fans nonetheless. Better than most of the dreck that passes for new music nowadays.


      1. I suppose it’s a grade up from Ed Sheeran…

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  17. […] Or even Washingtons, for that matter. It’s the holidays, after all, and we’ve got a new truck to pay […]


  18. Hooray for Tara’s new truck.
    The CMG once said it would be fun if the two of us could go to bars and make up stories as we talked to strangers. Never happened, but it would’ve been fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love that idea! In fact, Tara and I have a whole fake pitch we are planning to do the next time somebody in a bar asks us why we moved to WI (a question that comes up all the time). We plan to have fun with it!


      1. Do it! When I was on crutches, I gave a different answer every time someone asked me what happened. Well, not every time. Shark attack was used several times. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Exactly the route we’re going!

        “It was a perfect storm of indictments and restraining orders…”


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