Last week, I opened my mailbox and retrieved a red envelope for the last time ever.

I’m not going to beat a dead horse. Y’all know how much I loved my Netflix DVDs. My final DVD, #789, was Crazy Heart, a 2009 drama about a washed-up country singer (Jeff Bridges) struggling with alcohol addiction and trying to turn his life around after falling for a much-younger journalist. I’ve seen it before, and even tried to buy it on Amazon once, but the movie is almost impossible to find. Knowing Netflix was letting us keep any movies we still had after they shuttered their DVD business on 9/29, I gave deep consideration to my final selection. Much like Indiana Jones deciding on which Holy Grail to pick, I chose wisely.

I’m not even sure why I like Crazy Heart so much. The 7.2 IMDB rating is respectable, but it was hardly a box office smash. Actually, strike that. I know exactly why I can’t resist it.

If there’s any woman worth giving up the booze for, Maggie Gyllenhaal is the one. (OMG, I actually spelled her name right on the first try!)

Also, Crazy Heart introduced me to Ryan Bingham. I’m a rock ‘n roll guy at heart, and Ryan is a singer/songwriter whose music skews more closely to country. Plus, he’s a 42 y/o man who sounds like he’s pushing 80. But that don’t matter none, ’cause I love his music and own Mescalito on vinyl. He won an Oscar for “The Weary Kind,” the theme from Crazy Heart, so the movie isn’t completely obscure.

Did I mention Maggie Gyllenhaal is in it?

Just making sure.

It’s been unseasonably warm for nearly a week now. Highs topped 80º for something like four days in a row. It may be looking like fall out there…

…but it feels like August. The only saving grace? No unbearable humidity like we had back when the corn was sweating. Luckily, that’s all about to change.

I, for one, could not be happier. Fall should feel like fall! And besides, this should take care of our bug problem. I’d rather deal with a foot of snow than the barrage of boxelder bugs and all their friends. I didn’t even mention the gnats; they might be the worst. They are clinging to all the screens in our house in such quantities, we can’t even open the windows.

Not that this has been a problem given our warm weather. We’re still running the A/C.

In any case, cooler temps are on the way, and I plan to head out tomorrow at noon to take advantage by going for a hike in the woods. Or maybe a stroll in the city; I haven’t quite decided yet. But either way, my feet will be propelling me forward, mark my words.

42 responses to “No more red and white makes me blue.”

  1. I loved that movie too, and haven’t seen it in years. I love getting dvd’s from my library and there is quiet and extensive collection there. whoever the buyer is there, is a huge movie buff. and yes, fall is finally here as well, after a string of 80+ degree days, we’ve suddenly plunged into low 60s, and it feels great !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m just thrilled that someone else knows the movie! That’s awesome. Enjoy your fall-like weather.

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  2. I’m sorry your world has been shattered Mark. I hope a new love will come into your life to replace that red & white envelope and what it stood for 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It may be time to look into joining a cheese of the month club.

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  3. <

    div dir=”ltr”>

    How is your Sunday looking? Any chance you’ll be near Madison? 


    div dir=”ltr”>


    blockquote type=”cite”>


    1. div div “ltr” to you, too!

      I’m hoping, but I probably won’t know until late on Saturday. We are taking advantage of the cooler weather and planning to yank up as much of the poison ivy on our property as we can this weekend. I will be more than ready for a beer after that! I’ll let you know.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yikes! I’m in the truck riding back from visiting a brewery near Milwaukee, and I thought I was sending you an email, not responding to your post publicly. So funny – when I try to respond, I’m stymied by various WordPress password problems, but when I hit “reply” my words go straight to your blog. Mistake noted! Sorry about that.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. No biggie! Which brewery did you visit?


  4. Aww somehow i missed that memo about keeping dvds after 9/29. Aww well. I was getting tired of this 80 degree crap myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not only that, but some people will receive up to an additional 10 DVDs from their queue. For free. I took the Crazy Heart approach there and added 10 movies I love but don’t own, so we’ll see what happens.

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  5. Congratulations on your smelling ability.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Or my spelling ability even.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. I’m not sure I ever saw Crazy Heart but now you’ve got me interested in the music.
    If you like Maggie, did you watch The Deuce series on HBO? A very gritty show about Times Square prostitution in the 70’s. You’ll see more of Ms. Gyllenhaal that you ever have before. 😳
    We had crazy warm temps early this week as well, but thankfully no bug invasion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Never heard of “The Deuce,” but OMG, you bet your ass I’ll be looking for it now. Not just for Maggie; I love the gritty ’70s version of Times Square much better than the Disneyland it has turned into!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Then this will be right up your alley.

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  7. Gnats are one of my least favorite things. I hope they are all dead overnight! Way to plan out your last red envelope.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My parents call them “pissants.” It’s very fitting. They’re too damn small, that’s the problem! Then can slip in through the screen, and they’re hard to kill because you can barely see them. I hope you’ll give Laverne & Shirley a pass this time.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Pass given. For gnats only.

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  8. Smart thinking with that final DVD order! We are getting cooler weather next week as well, though I’m not excited about it. I’ll take balmy weather for as long as I can get it, stink bugs and all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Apple cider donuts just taste better when it feels like fall. (Yes, I plan to pick up apple cider donuts today.)


  9. I never saw Crazy Heart but it looks like one I’d enjoy. We never got into DVDs but I can tell for you it was and still is a thing. It hasn’t gotten October cool here yet either. Seems like Fall is dragging her feet this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We dropped from the 70s to the 40s in about 12 hours. Yesss!!! I bet we even switch our Nest over to the heat mode this weekend.

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  10. Never seen Crazy Heart . . . but it appears that our local library cornered the market ~> it has FOUR copies! I added it to our library queue.

    Our last Netflix:

    Galápagos: The Islands That Changed the World
    2007 NR 2h 30m Blu-ray/DVD
    Explore the fascinating world that inspired Darwin’s theory of evolution with this visually stunning documentary from the BBC, narrated by Tilda Swinton. Created by volcanoes and located about 600 miles west of Ecuador, the isolated Galápagos Islands form an environment that supports a diversity of life not found anywhere else on earth. Learn about the history of the area, the amazing creatures that live there and Darwin’s experiences on the islands.

    So far no bonus DVD’s have appeared in our mailbox. Unless they were sent via actual snail mail, I’m guessing we did not make the cut.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sweet! One more reason why I love libraries. I love a good documentary…”Galapagos” sounds pretty interesting.

      No bonus DVDs here either, but I expect that process may take a little bit to sort out. I figure, if it happens, it’ll be a happy surprise. At least I can buy “Top Gun: Maverick” and “Annie Hall” and whichever other ones I added to my queue last-minute.


  11. Troglodytes here also. When we got the notice about Netflix no longer offering DVDs and that we could keep our last two, we thought long and hard about which ones to order (we aren’t big re-watchers of movies we’ve already seen). We ended up with The Terminator and Love, Actually. Upon further reflection, I kind of wish we had picked The Big Lebowski. Now I have to figure out how to “order” movies via streaming. I guess this is where having children and especially grandchildren would have come in handy.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Those aren’t bad choices! Surprisingly, I don’t own either one, but they both would have felt right at home in our collection.

      You should look into Hulu for streaming. And, of course, Netflix.

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  12. We like what we like. I’ve watched the last episode of Ted Lasso approximately 20 times and I get weepy every time. I love sweatshirt weather. We have 70s coming this weekend and then a mixed bag of sun and rain with 60s and low 70s. Nice for October!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have yet to see “Ted Lasso” but am definitely interested. I just don’t want to subscribe to yet another streaming platform. Your weather sounds pretty nice!


  13. I’m thinking of your bugs today because it’s very chilly here, and it must be very chilly up there. Little bugs, rest in peace.

    I’ve never rented Netflix movies through the mail, so I can’t relate. I went to video stores and then I have no idea what I did before streaming. Geez. What exactly DID I do?

    I’ve never seen Crazy Heart, but after hearing so much about Maggie, I think I should.

    Ryan Bingham’s genre is listed as Rock on Apple Music, but he sounds more country. And you’re right: he does sound much older than his age. I will definitely give him more of a listen. 

    This weekend, I’m sure you and Tara will take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. I can’t wait to see pictures on Instagram. ❤️😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It went from the 70s to the 40s in about 12 hours, and I am loving it!

      I did get out for a nice hike on Friday, but Saturday was spent digging up poison ivy. You can be sure I’ll blog about that today.

      “Sunrise” and “South Side of Heaven” are hands down my favorite Ryan Bingham songs.

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  14. Nothing like waking up to some soft port (cleverly followed by a discussion of the weather so we almost forget about it by the time we reach the comments). 😉
    We went from sweltering to fall-like a few days ago and it’s been wonderful. Going on a fall bike ride today and hoping to get some cornhole in!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve really embraced cornhole. I love that! And I must be assimilating to Wisconsin, because I almost corrected you and said, “It’s called bags!” Which, of course, it isn’t nearly everywhere else.

      Hey, at least I didn’t hit you up with a third soft core porn/port photo at the end of my post. Trust me, the thought was there!

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  15. Soft porn! Ugh, my typo ruined my whole comment. And it wasn’t my smelling ability, either. It’s because I have a damn cat in my lap and he’s holding my dominant arm hostage with his 10 pounds of sleeping cuteness.
    But now that I think about it, waking up to some soft port wouldn’t be bad either.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve written blog posts with a cat in the way, too. I feel your pain.

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  16. The end of an era and the end of summer. Maybe fitting that they came in the same week. I’ve never watched Crazy Heart but I’m going to track it down now. I like the Gyllenhaals and it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Jeff Bridges.

    Great last line – hope you enjoyed your hike!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Last night, we had “October Sky” on with the other Gyllenhaal. The less cute one (though I suppose that depends on whom you’re speaking with). My hike was great!

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      1. Great point about perspective. And you couldn’t have timed that title better.

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  17. I’d forgotten about that movie, and you’re right, it’s a good one! I’ll have to see if I can find it for a rewatch myself. Ok, I looked up Ryan Bingham because I’d not heard of him, but OMG, he’s on Yellowstone! He plays a singer/cowboy perfectly and you’re right again: he sounds like he’s 80!

    You have a thing for Maggie and I might have a thing for her brother. 😉😉

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    1. Those Gyllenhaal kids have some good genes!

      I haven’t seen “Yellowstone,” but I did know Ryan is on the show. Apparently that has exposed a lot of people to his music. I’m going to have to check it out one of these days.

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  18. [Sigh.] My last DVD was Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson.) If it’s going to be the last, it’s a good one. Still waiting for the other nine… 😟

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    1. I don’t know of anyone who has received extra DVDs yet. Maybe Netflix has to do some big inventory reconciliation before purging.

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