Last week, one of Rivergirl’s 138 blog posts asked, What’s something you like to do the old fashioned way? I didn’t even hesitate in answering that one.

Listen to music on vinyl. Nothing beats the warm crackle and hiss of my record player.

I can actually add a second thing, as I was inspired by another blogger recently. I broke down and bought a paper planner. She’s a ’23-’24 model with a flexible cover, notes page, and twin-wire binding. Holidays even come standard, so she’s got a lot of bang for her buck.

I’ve got a fancy calendar app downloaded on my phone. A fancy calendar app that I never, ever use. So, a few years ago, I invested in a fancy planner system with expansion discs. A fancy planner system with expansion discs that I never, ever used.

This new one is nothing fancy at all, just a cheapo $12 number from Amazon. I bought it for one sole purpose: to plan out festivals and events next year, because it’s nearly impossible to keep track of all the fun things Wisconsin is throwing our way.

I’ve already mentioned Goat Fest and the Midwest Sweet Corn Festival and Rhapsody Festival. Saturday, it was Gemuetlichkeit Days, a German festival in Jefferson. Sounds like a sneeze, huh? Do not ask me to pronounce it; I can’t even spell it without triple-checking the website (…apparently they stumble over the word, too).

G Days can best be summed up thusly: painted pretzels, polka bands, schnitzel, and old people playing Euchre. There’s a parade too, but that took place at noon today. People were already setting up chairs along Main Street 24 hours in advance, so it must be a pretty good one.

We got there early, which was great because admission was free until 1 p.m., saving us $30. But also, there wasn’t a whole lot going on yet, so we tried on a few Lederhosen hats with feathers just for fun, wandered through the classic car show, and then–because the spaetzle food truck wasn’t set up yet–headed to Stable Rock Winery for sandwiches and cocktails. We shared a mushroom melt with swiss cheese and crispy fried onions and an oven roasted turkey with cranberry mustard and muenster. Not German, but delicious nevertheless. Afterward, we walked around downtown, admiring the artfully decorated steel pretzels, which are being auctioned off to help fund future Arts Alliance of Greater Jefferson projects.

NGL, I was tempted to try for the blue and green one with the heron, until I saw that opening bids start at $300. I’m all about supporting the arts, yadda yadda, but that’s a lot of money for a pretzel you can’t even take a bite out of.

Then today, we headed to Deerfield for a festival that was thankfully easier to spell and pronounce: the Apple Festival. Immediately upon arriving, we could see that this was a very popular event, given that we had to walk about a mile from our car to the entrance gate.

And that’s when we had already covered half the distance.

Slight hike aside, the festival itself was very impressive, and about five times bigger than the Midwest Sweet Corn Festival. Even the food vendors were a notch above typical festival fare; in addition to the usual corn dogs and whatnot, you could get African jollof rice with chicken, smoked chicken wings, and fancy-dancy paninis. We sampled different cuisines and bought an alien as a companion for our Bigfoot yard statue and enjoyed the cool temps and gradually developing fall colors. I recommend the Apple Festival over G-Days any time.

It’s been a busy weekend following a busy couple of weeks, planning and hosting a family reunion, entertaining guests, and we even had our 10th anniversary tucked into the middle of it all. But I would call the whole thing a resounding success; everyone raved about Wisconsin, and returned home with suitcases full of cheese.

My parents left Thursday morning and my Oregon aunt and cousin departed Friday morning. My New Jersey uncle and aunt weren’t flying out until Saturday morning, so Tara and I met up with them for one last hurrah, treating them to an authentic Wisconsin Friday fish fry at our favorite tavern in town.

I’m glad we pulled the whole thing off. It had been five years since I saw my Oregon relatives and eight years since I’d visited with my Jersey peeps, so it was a long-overdue get-together. It would have been even better if my brother and SIL, and my kids, and a few other cousins had been able to make it, but I’ll take what I can get. We’ve actually joked about making the reunion an annual event, but I think I need a few years off before tackling this again.

And I’m more than ready to get back to a normal routine. Feels like we haven’t had a quiet evening to ourselves in ages. Probably because we haven’t had a quiet evening to ourselves in ages.

We’re so far behind on America’s Got Talent, they’re probably halfway through the auditions for next season already.

54 responses to “A little bit of old-fashioned planning.”

  1. I can teach you guys how to say Gemütlichkeit days. 🤪

    Gemütlich means cosy, and the way it’s spelled on the banner with the ue is correct when one does not know about the Umlaut (the two dots on the u). 😀

    Cool write-up Mark. Happy anniversary to you and Tara!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, I do like it better with the umlaut (though that makes typing it up even more difficult). Thanks for the lesson!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Those festivals sound delicious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great way to sum them up!


  3. Last week, one of Rivergirl’s 138 blog posts… 🤣

    On another note, just curious – why is your planner a “she”?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. C’mon. Cars, boats, and planners are always shes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. And my RV will always be a he.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. As he should be. Campers and tractors are always male. Helicopters, too. Airplanes can go either way.

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      3. You really should get a job in some Romance language country that has gendered nouns. Whenever a new word enters the lexicon, you could be on the committee that decides whether it’s a she or a he!

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  4. I love the idea of a planner just for festivals. I always mean to go but end up forgetting when most of them are held.
    As for a suitcase full of cheese, that sounds like the perfect vacation.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The most successful vacations are those in which you return home with a suitcase that is much heavier than it was when you began the trip!

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  5. here’s to a planner full of festivals! I love having a paper planner, too –

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m sure we’ll be filling that sucker up in no time.

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  6. My pretzel of choice was definitely the lederhosen beer swilling mice. Plus the toasty-ness of those sammies has me drooling. Happy late anniversary btw! The planner idea for annual activities and fun things is an interesting one, and growing on me even as I write given that I have a growing list of saved websites in my little reading sidebar Google thing. I may seriously look into that and there’s the side bonus that it can fill up long hours of boredom when real rain sets in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a fun pretzel, too! It’ll be interesting to see which is the most popular, and how much money they end up receiving for these.

      This other blogger had written about her new planner, and that started the wheels turning. Maybe we can keep paying it forward!

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  7. We use wall calendars as an open means of scheduling. Mine is usually specific events, Jess is full of appointments and an ever changing work schedule.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A wall calendar is a great idea too!

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  8. You know I’m so excited about the planner nothing else matters

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Yes, you were the inspiration for that.

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  9. Apples and cheese! What could be better?! Apples and cheese at home alone with your spouse and cats, I guess? I was envying all your fun activities, but I guess I should be smug about a quiet night at home with Korean corndogs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There were a lot of people there, and it took awhile to get out of the parking area. Apples and cheese at home would have been the best.

      What makes a corndog Korean?

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      1. These festivals look and sound like lots of fun! I don’t make it to enough of ours mainly due to my parking phobia. (afraid I’ll get there and find no place to park or have to PARALLEL PARK)

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      2. You can do cheese instead of meat and they put all kinds of coatings and sauces on. Spicy, sweet, a combo, or half meat/ half cheese. So delicious.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Kicked-up corndog? Sign me up!


  10. I thought by the title that you were going to plan your old fashions. Which would be funny too! But festivals are a pretty good thing to keep track of too! I laughed about your sneeze festival – yep, that’s a mouthful. Hope you enjoy getting back to the routine this week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I almost added something about planning to drink old fashioneds, ha. But that’s just something that happens spontaneously.

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  11. I’m exhausted from reading your post and vicariously imagining all of the fun! And this tickled me to no end: …”we headed to Deerfield for a festival that was thankfully easier to spell and pronounce: the Apple Festival.” Yah…that was a long word…Gemütlichkeit. Now I feel like I need to dig into find out what it means exactly. Just “German festival”? Oh how unaware I am of my German roots. 🤣

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Writer of Words Etc. above says it means cozy. She’s from that region, so I’m guessing her definition is accurate!

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  12. We’ve had a paper planner/calendar for many years. I never got used to using an online version and it’s easier to keep both of us aware of events, doctor appointments, trips, etc. when it’s right in front of us. Plus, they provide a great record of past years’ activities. Which reminds me… it’s about time to think about buying next year’s calendar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, that’s an excellent point. I just figured I’d throw mine out at the end of each year, but obviously, they’ll be great to look back on. I should also track the weather for each festival so I have some idea what to expect the next year.


  13. Paper planner here, too.
    I get mine at the $ Store every year for (you guessed it) $1 . . . now $1.25.

    We had Grilled Cheese and sliced apples for lunch. Perfecto!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love apples with cheese. I love apples. I love grilled cheese. Why I’ve never thought to combine them is beyond me, but you bet I will now!


  14. I only use a paper planner, and I own that exact planner. I keep two paper planners: one for the whole family/house and one for my blog posts.

    I love reading about your festival adventures. Happy Anniversary!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooh, you plan out your blog posts, too. That’s ingenious! Problem is, I rarely know what I’m going to write about until I actually start writing, ha.

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      1. I’m the same way. I should have stated that I purchased the blog planner with good intentions. It’s currently used mostly for doodles…

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  15. So much fun. The crowds would give me pause, but I love trying new foods. I was the only one in my family willing to try, let alone absolutely demand that we get, frog legs the last time we went to the fair. And I’m still all about my calendar hanging on the wall next to my desk. I even brought it to the kids’ doctor with me to schedule follow-up appmts rather than using an app on my phone. All about the old school here, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m a very adventurous eater and will put (almost) anything in my mouth. I actually have never tried frogs legs yet. Go ahead, ribbit in…

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      1. Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve read an authentic Mark pun!

        Can’t say I’ve missed it.


        Liked by 1 person

      2. Didn’t your parents ever teach you that you’ll catch more flies with honey?


  16. I’m with you on the paper planner. It’s just easier and quicker in so many ways.

    That’s a LOT. . . of everything, from cheese, to pretzels, to cars, to people. But, especially the FUN!

    I did not envision you as an AGT watcher. Middle Child watches it with my husband. If I’m in the family room, I’ll catch bits and pieces, but so much of it is no talent!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I love AGT. I’ve blogged about it a bunch of times, and I know from your replies, you’re more of a Big Brother fan! 🙂


      1. Sadly, I quit watching BB the past two seasons. It got old for me. Why do I not remember you liking AGT? What about American Idol?


  17. Glad the reunion went well and the G Days look wonderful. After years of cursing vinyl for its scratches, dust crackles and cat hairs, I fail to understand the appeal. Give me a smart speaker any day

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ha! But that’s all part of the charm. Vinyl feels warm; digital is cold and sterile. It makes a difference when you pump up the volume.


  18. Nope, no vinyl records. Can’t stand the scratchy sound anymore. However the rest of what you did looks like loads of fun. I still am in awe of how cool your Wisconsin is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I remember giving up on vinyl in the late ’80s. How I embraced the digital era! But I’m too much of a music snob to be satisfied with perfection, I guess. Or maybe my eyesight is too poor to read the tiny liner notes on a CD jewel case…

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  19. I had a giggle at you mentioning River’s 136 blog posts. 😜 She’s our chatty friend!

    I had a hard time giving up my paper calendar, but I do love my apple phone calendar; it’s always with me and it’s synced with my family. Of course, I don’t visit as many festivals as you guys because clearly, you are winning The Festival Game!

    Happy 10th anniversary to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the anniversary wishes! What I love about our chatty friend is, she didn’t even bat an eye when I wrote that. She’d probably be the first to admit she’s verbose!

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  20. Happy (belated) anniversary! A suitcase full of cheese sounds like heaven to me.


  21. […] save that for a rainy day. Err…a non-rainy day. In any case, the Holiday Market is going into my festival planner for next year. Hopefully then we’ll have good old-fashioned snow. El Nino can kiss my […]


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