Bachelor Chronicles: Day 2

My aunt left an interesting comment on Facebook in response to my boat post.

Years ago (and I mean really years ago and not just before the pandemic), when I visited you from California, we had lunch at a restaurant on the Columbia. You looked at the boats and announced that one day you were going to have one. So yeah–good for you! Smooth sailing.

My Aunt

Reading this was gratifying. I have long said I’m a person who always gets what he wants, be it through sheer force of will, determination, or stubbornness. Or a combination of all three. I hadn’t even remembered the conversation until she mentioned it, as it took place at least 15 years ago, but I remember it now; we were sitting on a deck beside the river on a sparkling summer afternoon and I stared longingly at the boats plying the water. See? I really have always wanted a boat.

Today was a fairly typical Monday. Tara called this morning, and I told her how I’d taken a morning walk, watered the garden, fixed breakfast, and was getting ready to head out the door.

“That all sounds so normal!” she replied wistfully. As much fun as she’s having visiting family, these trips are always whirlwinds, chock full of obligation. I’m usually missing home before we’ve even left.

My latest project involves creating two pages for each of the 11 main Black Hills communities in our Visitor publication: one called “The Story Of [Insert Town Name]” that details its history, and the other, “Visit [Insert Town Name],” talks about attractions and events. Each town takes a full day to complete; since I’m going alphabetically, today it was Hill City’s turn. I have to admit, I’ve learned at least one new thing about every place I’ve written about so far. I just slip on my noise-cancelling Bose headphones, crank up the Spotify jams, and spend the day researching/writing. It makes the hours fly by quickly.

Here’s a nice display of the current issues for a few of our print publications.

I came home, put on music, and cooked myself dinner. I decided to try a new recipe: a grilled chicken and pineapple brown rice bowl.

Yes, it was every bit as good as it looks. The best part, hands-down, was the homemade teriyaki glaze. I could have scooped it up with a spoon and eaten it directly from the pot. Don’t worry, I didn’t.

Afterward, I gave the plants and garden a good soaking, even as ominous dark clouds piled up to the north and east. Lots of rumbles of thunder and lightning flashing in the distance, but it’s been a dry summer and we haven’t had much luck with storms, so I didn’t want to take any chances. Today’s high was 95º.

Naturally, I’m sure it will start pouring any second now.

OK, I asked for questions, and a couple of you responded. Thank you for that. Feel free to ask me more! I was worried I wouldn’t have enough to write about to fill these posts but, ha-ha, forgot how long-winded I can be.

Q: What are your favorite foods?

A: This one is tricky because I like almost everything. I will say I am drawn to bold flavors, so anything that is tart, tangy, or spicy is right up my alley. Think pickles, Kimchi, sour beer. I have an entire pantry shelf devoted to hot sauces alone. Narrowing down actual foods is impossible: I like all cuisines (Mexican, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.), meats, veggies, and fruit. I guess the only real way to answer this is to play the last meal game. If I were consigned to death row (wrongfully convicted, of course!) and facing lethal injection, I have always said my final meal would consist of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and a slice of coconut cream pie. Short of picking one absolute favorite, this will do!

Q: In a non-quarantine world, where would you like to travel to next?

A: I recently mentioned Croatia, and that still ranks high on my list. It would be my base of operations, with jaunts to Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Austria. Although now, I hate to admit it, but I’m weirdly intrigued by Chernobyl, though it certainly isn’t at the top of my list. I’d go…but I wouldn’t linger.

Until tomorrow…

26 thoughts on “Bachelor Chronicles: Day 2

  1. Your story is a great reminder how life will just work out the way it is supposed to, sometimes on a circuitous path. You and Tara are right how some visits are filled with obligation even when you love the folks. You are obviously doing well as a bachelor, yet, as we had discussed in the past, the heart grows fonder. It is only Day 2, after all. I will give some thought to questions. Fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Me again: I realize the choices you have made, and possibly serendipity led you to this happy life. If you could go back to your younger self, would you have pursued a different career? What did you want to be when you grew up? Possibly 2 different questions, or one blended question.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Given the fact that I was sitting on the steps next to the driveway this evening watching an intense thunderstorm light up the sky all around me, you’re not too far off the mark!


  3. I like bold flavors, too. I’m going to comment on your bowl: you make it like my daughter does, with everything piled on top of each other. I like to compartmentalize mine and mix different foods as I go. There must be some psychology to that!

    I hope you get to visit all those countries some day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s an interesting approach. I’ll compartmentalize most dinner plates, but for some reason, I think of bowls differently. I’m sure a psychiatrist would be able to delve into the “whys” but I’m going to be too busy eating to pay him much attention.


  4. Slovenia to Piran to Trieste. You’d asked before. Hopefully we’ll have a blogger tour guide and make wonderful memories. This is a trip my husband and agree on. A someday trip. After the British Isles.
    Anyway, that teriyaki glaze and the pineapple and rice would be perfect! I had a rice, chicken, black bean, avocado bowl tonight. It’s a thing my youngest can make by herself, so we eat it once a month or so and I’ve come to enjoy the bland mixture of flavors like a new comfort food.
    Now, the really important thing about this post is that I also tend to get what I want and between you and me — since we’re these people, I suggest to you we know ourselves well which simply allows us to want the right things for the life we’re doing 😀
    PS: I do not want a boat.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Boats aren’t for everyone, as we learned when selling this one two years later. Oh, well: the one time we went out was fun! How are you?? I went to your blog to comment, but couldn’t. It’s been awhile since you’ve updated and I have no idea whether you’ll even see my reply here!

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  5. I’m impressed that you cooked for yourself – only because when the husband goes out of town and leaves me to my own devices, I see it as an opportunity to get takeout more than usual and do as few dishes as possible (either hand-washed dishes or emptying the dishwasher). Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The funny thing is, after Tara comes back I inevitably think to myself, “I wish I’d ordered more takeout!” It’s a fine line, one that I am planning on treading carefully during her upcoming trip.

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