Go Climb a Mountain

So last week, I climbed a mountain.

Impressive achievement? I dunno. It wasn’t this mountain…

P1030949It was this one.

TDHBut I got a great view of the mountain I didn’t climb from the top of the mountain I did climb.

unnamedAnd besides, a 1700′ elevation gain is nothing to sneeze at! The 90-minute hike was basically all uphill. Which meant, at least, that the ensuing 90-minute return segment was all downhill. In any case, I took advantage of my free day off from work by scaling a 5,066′ peak in the Cascades. Considering I was half tempted to just sit on my ass and watch Barney Miller and Shark Tank all day, I’m calling that a pretty decent achievement.

Especially with views like these…

I even got to make a snowball. Laugh it up, east coasters, but we got screwed out of winter this year!

unnamedAll in all, not a bad day!


9 thoughts on “Go Climb a Mountain

  1. Oh man, what FANTASTIC scenery! I love it! The lodge pole pines are awesome. I can see how it might be fun for YOU to make a snowball. I still have a small pile of snow on my deck and it’s supposed to be 71 on Thursday. I admit I love it when we can go play in the snow in tshirts.

    And woot on a three hour hike! Way to go!


    1. Naturally, now that April has rolled around, the mountains are getting hit with snow. They had more in the last two days than at any point since December. Figures! Enjoy your warm weather snow play.


  2. “And besides, a 1700′ elevation gain is nothing to sneeze at! The 90-minute hike was basically all uphill. Which meant, at least, that the ensuing 90-minute return segment was all downhill.”

    *thunderous applause*

    Holy cow Mark, that is WAY impressive! And OMG, OMG, OMG….the photographs you captured of the scenery are absolutely STUNNING! Love the “mothership!”

    And I can see why you enjoy living in that area of the States, it’s breathtaking!

    Thanks for sharing, buddy. Enjoyed!

    P.S. Love the snowball pic!


    1. Thanks, Ron. I plan to do lots of hikes this year – gotta make up for my lack of activity last year. Plus, as you’ve pointed out, it’s way too beautiful here NOT to take full advantage.


  3. Loved seeing these pics on Instagram! So jealous of your hiking trip. It’s been cold and rainy here yet, up until the last two days (which I had to work) were in the 60’s. I can’t wait til my next vacation.


    1. And of course, the pics don’t begin to do the actual experience justice. One week later, and I still get shivers thinking about the stunning beauty atop that ridge.

      Where are you vacationing next?


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